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词汇 one more
例句 I need one more stamp to complete the set.我还需要一枚邮票来配成套。He permitted himself one more cookie.他允许自己再吃一块饼干。His parents pleaded that he should be given one more chance.他双亲请求再给他一次机会。I just have one more letter to sign and that should do it. 我只需再签署一封信件就完事了。I think I'll just have one more piece of cake.我想,我再吃一块蛋糕吧。I'm going to ask you just one more time: where did you get this money?我最后再问你一次:你这钱是从哪里来的?I have time for one more deal. 我还有时间再发一次牌。The teacher allowed one more review of our notes before the test.老师允许我们在考试前再看一遍笔记。Let's just walk through the scene one more time.我们再排练一次吧。The little boy put one more brick on the tower and it toppled over.小男孩在积木塔上又放了一块积木,塔摇晃着倒塌了。Do you mind if I ask you one more thing?.您不介意我再问您一个问题吧?I need to put one more coat of finish on the chair.我要给这把椅子再上一层面漆。I'll take you through it one more time, then you can try it yourself.我会再给你解释一遍,然后你自己试试。Let's just run through the piece one more time.我们把这支曲子再练一遍吧。We've got time for one more run-through before the concert.在音乐会开始前我们还有时间再排练一次。I'm going to stop. I don't think I could bear one more get.我打算刹车了,再生一个我想我受不了。The coach hopes to hold the team together for at least one more season.教练希望至少再带领这支球队多磨合一个赛季。If you do that one more time, I shall be very angry.如果你再那么做,我就要生气了。I'll give you one more chance to tell the truth.我再给你一个机会说实话。I just need to sign one more letter…There, that does it.我只需再签署一封信件…好了,完成了。OK, I'll go over the plan one more time, but pay attention this time.好的,我把计划再说一遍,但这次可要仔细听了。If you buy three you get a premium of one more, free.你买三个,可以再送你一个。I'll have one more glass of vodka. Make it a double, please.我再要一杯伏特加。请给我双份的。He gave the tap one more firm turn.他又拧紧了一下水龙头。Let's run through our lines one more time.我们再把台词快速过一遍吧。Sorry to bother you, but could you help me one more time with the copier?很抱歉打扰你,你再帮我一下忙,教我怎么使用那复印机好吗?Will Mrs Winterton have a fit if we add one more to the guest list at this late stage?.到这么晚的时候我们再增加一个客人,温特顿太太会发火吗?She needed only one more stamp to complete her collection.她只差一张邮票就集齐整套收藏了。The stain is practically out now; one more do should remove it entirely.现在污渍已经看不大出来了,再仔细洗一下就可以完全洗掉。Let's play one more round. Winner takes all. 我们再打一局,此局胜者为王。I have one more gift for you, and I saved the best for last.我还有一份礼物送给你,我可是把这最好的留到最后。We can squeeze one more person in the back seat.后排座椅还能塞进一个人。How about one more dance?再跳一支舞怎么样?As an addendum let me make one more point.让我附带再提出一点。If I have to wait in one more line, I'm going to go out of my mind.如果要再排一次队,我会发疯的。!I'm not through yet. I have one more topic to discuss.我还没完,我还有另一个题目要讨论。With one more heave, we got the box onto the shelf.我们再使把劲,就把箱子抬到架子上了。They won only one more game subsequent to their Cup semi-final win last year.继去年在杯赛半决赛中获胜后,他们仅又赢过一场比赛。He has one more year before he leaves the army.他还有一年就要从军队退伍了。If I hear one more joke about my hair, I shall scream.要是再拿我的头发开玩笑,我可就发飙了。




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