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词汇 toilets
例句 The toilets are often used by junkies who leave their needles lying around on the floor.这些洗手间经常有吸毒者使用,地上到处都有他们留下的针头。There's a huge queue in the ladies’ toilets.女厕所外排起了长队。Do you know where the ladies' toilets are?你知道女厕所在哪儿吗?Water used for bathing is also going to be used for flushing toilets.洗澡用过的水将再用来冲马桶。Downstairs toilets were connected directly to the drains.楼下的马桶直接同下水道连在一起。Pat refuses to use the public toilets in this country because they are always so dirty.帕特在这个国家拒绝使用公共厕所,因为那里总是非常脏。Passengers queued dejectedly for the increasingly dirty toilets.乘客沮丧地排队等候使用越来越脏的厕所。Everyone should take a turn cleaning the toilets as that is the least pleasant job.大家应该轮流清洁马桶,因为那可不是什么惬意的活儿。She saw a girl shooting up in the toilets.她看见一个女孩在洗手间里注射毒品。He once emerged from the toilets with his flies unfastened.有一次他裤链没拉就出了厕所。The toilets are two flights up.盥洗间在两层楼梯上面。Meals are taken communally with other guests in the dining-room. Private bathrooms and toilets are unheard of.饭是在餐室和其他宾客一起吃。私人浴室和卫生间是闻所未闻的。The toilets are over there, dear.亲爱的,厕所在那边。The two boys were caught letting off stink bombs in the school toilets.这两个男孩被抓住在学校厕所里放臭弹。She eventually had to lock herself in the toilets to avoid him.她最后只好把自己锁在厕所里来躲开他。The women who were waiting outside the toilets began to form a queue.在厕所外面等的女人开始排起了队。The toilets were in a diabolical state.厕所的情况糟透了。The bathroom is furnished with 2 toilets, 2 showers, and 2 sinks.卫生间里装了两个抽水马桶、两个淋浴器、和两个洗脸盆。Fred never uses public toilets.弗雷德从不使用公共厕所。He went in and joined the queue for the toilets.他走进去排队上厕所。We went in for secret snogging sessions in the toilets at the restaurant.我们到饭店的卫生间里偷偷地接吻拥抱。The stench coming from the toilets was unspeakable.从卫生间散发出来的气味臭不可闻。An arrow pointed to the toilets.箭头指向卫生间。You now have to pay to use the public toilets at the station.现在在车站用公共厕所必须付费。I'm lumbered with cleaning the toilets.我被迫打扫卫生间。There were no proper toilets, but only an outdoor latrine.没有像样的卫生间,只有一个露天的茅坑。Water companies are testing recycling units which take grey water and clean it up sufficiently for flushing toilets.用水公司正在测试污水再利用设备,这些设备可以净化污水,其产出的净化水足以用来冲厕。I was given the unenviable task of cleaning the toilets.我被分派去干打扫厕所这个讨厌的差事。I saw him doing ecstasy in the toilets.我看见他在洗手间吃摇头丸。The toilets are almost always out of order.抽水马桶几乎一天到晚出故障。The toilets are on the floor below.盥洗间在下面那层楼。He had to join the queue for the toilets.他不得不排队上厕所。There was a long queue for the toilets.厕所门口排起了长队。The toilets are over there.厕所在那边。Cleaning the toilets is my least favourite job.打扫厕所是我最不喜欢的工作。I scrubbed toilets and vacuumed carpets.我刷洗了厕所,用吸尘器清扫了地毯。The officers sometimes have to winkle idlers out of toilets.警察有时不得不把一个个二流子从厕所里赶出去。I found her in floods of tears in the toilets.我发现她在洗手间里哭得像个泪人似的。It has recently come to my attention that some of the younger boys are not using the toilets for the proper purpose.我最近注意到有些小男孩不把厕所用作正途。




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