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词汇 One
例句 One of the Beatles’ guitars is being auctioned for charity.披头士乐队的一把吉他正在进行慈善拍卖。One company towers above all others in the scope of its operations and turnover.一家公司在运营及营业额方面远超其他公司。One conservative estimate is that he stole five million dollars.保守估计,他盗窃了五百万美元。One way or the other he always seems to win.不管怎样他都好像总能赢。One student stood out above all others.一名学生从其他学生中脱颖而出。One can always turn to music for comfort.一个人总可以从音乐中得到安慰。One of the first things he always did was to give the killer a nickname, to personalize him.他向来要先做的事情之一是给杀手起个别名,使其与众不同。One of the youths pushed her against the wall and took her bag.其中一个小伙子把她往墙上一推,夺走了她的手提包。One of the boys had to be rescued by firemen wearing breathing apparatus.其中一个男孩不得不由佩戴呼吸器的消防员救出。One of the riders sat squat, riding solid like a Napoleon.其中一个骑手全然像拿破仑那样蹲坐在马背上。One day when the chips are down, you will know who your true friends are.等到危急关头你就会知道谁是真正的朋友了。One woman cried as she told of the horror of seeing workmates killed in the lift.一位妇女哭着述说自己看到同事在电梯里被害时的恐怖情景。One of the locals showed me the way to the post office.一位本地人给我指点去邮局的路。One of these days we will get lucky.总有一天我们会走运的。One day I'll be rich and famous, you'll see!有朝一日,我会家财万贯并名扬天下,你们等着瞧吧!One of the eggs had a double yolk.其中一个鸡蛋是双黄的。One of the passengers suffered a heart attack.其中的一位乘客心脏病发作。One of the bouncers lifted the velvet rope to let us enter the club.其中一个门卫升起护栏让我进入了俱乐部。One minute he was there and then, bang, I was alone.一分钟前他还在那里,然后一下子就剩下我一个人了。One must wash one's hair.每个人都得洗头。One has to make sure that the people responsible are capable of doing the needful.要确保相关责任人能够做好他们必须做的事。One by one, orchards were grubbed up.果园被一个接一个地铲掉了。One copy of this letter should be duly signed and returned to us.请将这封信的一个副本及时签字后寄回给我们。One in 10 homes now has cable TV.现在十个家庭中有一家有有线电视。One of the students became ill and was sent to the infirmary.学生中有一人生病,被送去了医务室。One patient suffered headaches, nausea, and faintness.一位病人感觉头疼、恶心、晕眩。One of their first commercial products was an electronic typewriter.他们最早的商业产品之一是电子打字机。One stayed and the other went away.一个人留下来,另一个走了。One man began to clap, and others joined in.一个人鼓起了掌,其他人也都鼓起掌来。One of the drivers was fatally injured; his next of kin has been informed.其中一名驾驶员受了致命伤,已通知其至亲。One of the soldiers is on watch.士兵中的一人在值岗。One of the workmen was sacked for drunkenness.一个工人因酗酒被解雇。One of the kids was peeling plaster off the wall.其中一个孩子在剥墙上的灰泥。One of the soldiers shoved her roughly against the wall.其中一名士兵把她猛推到墙上。One of the chief complaints is the cost.主要的意见之一是成本问题。One more thing and then I'm leaving.我还有一件事要做,之后我就要离开了。One tiny mistake when you're climbing could mean the difference between life and death.爬山时,一个很小的错误都有可能意味着生死之别。One of the claimants was alleged to have tried to earwig the judge.据称原告中的某人设法在暗中挑拨法官。One day you'll have the maturity to understand.有一天等你长大后你就明白了。One of my childhood occupations was collecting stamps.我儿时的消遣之一是集邮。




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