例句 |
You may remember the way each scene ended with someone looking pensive or significant.你或许还记得,每一场的结尾要么是某人作沉思状,要么是某人故作深沉。Maurice allowed a pensive sigh to escape his lips as he turned away from the window.莫里斯从窗口转身走开时,不觉发出一声若有所思的叹息。He looked suddenly sombre, pensive.他突然看起来很阴郁,一副忧虑的样子。He kept looking over at her sad, pensive face.他不住地看着她那愁眉苦脸的面孔。She has a pensive, almost sad look about her.她脸上有一种郁郁不乐、几乎是忧伤的表情。She became withdrawn and pensive, hardly speaking to anyone.她变得孤僻忧郁,几乎不和任何人说话。As he ended his trip, the usually upbeat Mr. Liebenow was in a pensive mood.利本诺先生旅行结束后,通常兴高采烈的他显得心事重重。He looked suddenly pensive.他看起来突然陷入沉思。He had a pensive look on his face.他面露忧思。The child sat by himself, looking pensive.那个孩子独自坐着,显得心事重重。 |