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词汇 on business
例句 Mr Williams is a conservative who advocates fewer government controls on business.威廉斯先生是个保守派,主张政府应减少对商业的控制。His cover story was that he had to go to Sweden on business.他的借口是要出差到瑞典去。Do you travel abroad on business more than three times a year?你每年去国外出差超过三次吗?She drives to Tijuana several times a month on business.她一个月有好几次要开车去蒂华纳出差。He believes the UK's enterprise culture has been stymied by unnecessary strictures on business.他认为英国的企业文化因为对公司的一些不必要的限制而受到阻碍。I met one of her brothers when he was here on business.我见过她的一个兄弟,当时他正在此地出差。Joe had been leading a double life, seeing an ex-model while his wife believed he was on business.乔过着双重的生活: 他偷偷地和一名前模特儿幽会,而他妻子却以为他是在出差。For the past two weeks, I've been doing my boss's job while she's away on business.前两周,老板出差,我一直在帮她做事。She travels around on business quite a lot.她经常去不同的地方出差。She was lonesome while her husband was away on business.当丈夫因事外出时,她感到孤单寂寞。These proposals would only increase the tax burden on business.这些提议只会加重企业税款的负担。I admired your secretary's discretion in not saying where you had been on business.我佩服你秘书的谨慎,她闭口不说你上哪儿出差去了。Stephen didn't expect her to mope about while he was away on business.史蒂芬没有料到自己出差时她会闷闷不乐。He informed me that he was going to Europe on business.他告诉我他将出差去欧洲。These days most airlines concentrate their advertising on business travelers.如今许多航空公司把广告的注意力放在商务旅客身上。He picked up malaria when he was visiting the country on business.他到该国出差时染上了疟疾。Mr Harris is abroad on business this week.哈里斯先生本周在国外公干。When you come here on business next time, do call by.你下次出差来这里,一定要顺便来玩玩。Carol is away on business, but she should be back next week.卡萝尔出差去了,不过下周她该回来了。I'm here on business.我是来这里办公事的。Any increase in fuel costs could have a bad effect on business.任何燃料的涨价都会对业务造成不良影响。The necessity for traveling on business has estranged her from her family.她因必须出差而一直离开亲人。She often goes abroad on business.她经常出国公干。Ben was constantly away from home on business and, not surprisingly, their relationship suffered.本总是出差在外,因此他们的关系恶化就不足为奇了。With her husband frequently away on business, Berenice turns to a close friend for help and support.丈夫经常出差,使贝蕾妮丝转而向好朋友求助。Normally companies have one business plan, and come rain or shine, no changes are made.通常公司都有一套经营计划,无论出现什么情况,都不会改变。While Kurt was away on business, his wife completely redecorated the house.库尔特在外头出差的时候,他妻子把房子彻底重新装修了一遍。He's not home because he was called away on business.他不在家,被叫去出差了。She eats at the hotel restaurant when she travels on business.她出差时在宾馆餐厅就餐。We don't see eye to eye on business issues.我们在生意上观点互不相同。He had to go out to Singapore on business.他得去新加坡出差。We will be pressing for a ceiling on business rate increases.我们将要求对交易率增长设置上限。She whizzed off to Hong Kong on business.她因公事迅速到了香港。I called in on an old friend while I was in New York on business.我在纽约出差时去拜访了一位老友。I quite often go to Paris on business.我经常去巴黎出差。He's currently abroad on business.目前他在国外出差。Are you here on business or for pleasure?你到这里是来工作还是来玩? My girlfriend is often away on business trips.我的女朋友经常出差。I have to go to San Francisco tomorrow on business.我明天得去旧金山出差。She'll be back next week - she's in Korea on business.她下周回来—她去日本出差了。




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