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词汇 坏事
例句 Nor is acid rain always, and universally, a bad thing.酸雨也并非在任何情况下都是坏事Henry was afraid his father would go into orbit when he knew his recent wrongdoings.亨利怕他父亲知道他最近干的坏事后会暴跳如雷。It seemed unthinkable that he should have done such a wicked thing.他竟干出这样的坏事,真令人难以置信。He is regarded as a hero who can do no wrong. 他被认为是个从不会干任何坏事的英雄。Recent events should make everyone modest about saying what cannot happen there, for good or ill.最近的事件应该会让每个人在预测某处不可能发生什么事时变得谨慎起来,不论是好事还是坏事A bad result is sure to throw a spanner in the works.糟糕的成绩肯定会坏事的。They get up to all sorts behind your back.他们背着你干尽了坏事Some good might come of all this gloomy business.生意不景气也未必全是坏事Watching television is not inherently bad for children.对孩子而言,看电视本身并不是坏事Lately he's not done a bloody thing and it's getting on my nerves.近来他没有干任何坏事,这让我心神不定起来。It doesn't hurt to have money when you want to run for office.当你想竞选公职的时候,有钱不是件坏事Rising interest rates are bad for borrowers.利率的上升对借贷者来说是坏事It was another of his misguided attempts to save money.他想省钱,但又一次好心办了坏事We realize that this is upsetting for you, but it's for the best.我们知道这令你很苦恼,但这也许不是件坏事He denied any wrongdoing.他不承认干了任何坏事In his mother's eyes, the boy can do no wrong.在他的母亲看来,她的孩子不会做坏事It was a very short-sighted and ultimately destructive plan.这是一个目光短浅而且最终会坏事的计划。The day had got off to a bad start.这天一早就有坏事发生。It's a very small town and if you do something bad, word gets around.这是个很小的城镇,要是有人做了坏事,消息很快就会传开。He did a lot of hell-raising when he was younger.他早年干了不少坏事He pleaded ignorance of any wrongdoing.他辩称自己对所有的坏事概不知情。I am constitutionally disenabled from that vice.我生来不会干那种坏事I swear I didn't do anything wrong!我发誓,我没干过任何坏事What about the unfairness of life? Why do bad things happen to good people?那怎么解释人生的不公呢?为什么坏事会降临在好人头上?In a new democracy, it is no bad thing to master the art of compromise.在新的民主国家,掌握妥协这门艺术不是件坏事Contrary to conventional wisdom, stress is not a bad thing.与传统的看法相反,压力并不是坏事He made the best of a bad job.他尽了力把这件坏事办成好事。Our freedom is being eroded by well-meaning bureaucrats.我们的自由正在被好心办坏事的官僚们削弱。That scoundrel is capable of anything.那个恶棍什么坏事都干得出来。He certainly looked as if he was up to no good.他看上去确实好像在做什么坏事It's no bad thing to express your anger.表达愤怒不是坏事It is not in itself a bad thing.这本身并非坏事He was in the control of evil men and forced to do wicked things.他被坏人控制,被迫做了坏事After all the harm she's done, she deserves whatever she gets.她干了那么多坏事,无论受到什么惩罚都是罪有应得。I know I've done some bad things in the past, but now I'm turning over a new leaf.我知道自己以前做过一些坏事,但现在我要重新做人了。They are suffering in hell for the bad deeds they did on earth.他们在尘世做了坏事,现正在地狱里受罪。Just because he's done some bad things, does/must it follow that he's a bad person? 仅仅因为他做了一些坏事就能推断他是个坏人吗?A lot of problems can be caused by well-meaning friends.很多问题会由好心办坏事的朋友引起。She wanted to protect her children from the evils of the outside world.她想保护她的孩子不受外界坏事的影响。I know he's lying - what do you think he's up to?我知道他在说谎,你觉得他在干什么坏事




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