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词汇 坏习惯
例句 I say virtual habits because none of us have any real habits to speak of, good or bad.我说虚拟的习惯,是因为没有哪个人有真正的说得出来的习惯,不管是好习惯还是坏习惯He's been picking up some bad habits from his friends.他不经意地染上了朋友身上的一些坏习惯It's never easy to break a bad habit.改掉坏习惯绝非易事。She hoped to grow out of her bad habits.她希望长大后自己的坏习惯就会改掉了。He fell/got into some bad habits after graduating from college.大学毕业后他染上了一些坏习惯He was shamed out of his bad habits.他因感到难为情而改掉了坏习惯I broke him of his bad habit before it could take hold.在他的坏习惯还没有变得根深蒂固之前,我使他改了它。My wife cured me of most of my bad habits.我妻子改掉了我大部分的坏习惯I have a bad habit of taking on more responsibilities than I can handle.我有个坏习惯,就是喜欢承担超出自己能力的责任。Once you get into a bad habit, you'll find it hard to get out of it.一旦染上坏习惯,想改掉就难了。I had fallen into my old bad habit of leaving everything until the last minute.我又恢复了过去什么事都要拖到最后一刻才干的坏习惯After a while her old bad habits began to assert themselves.过了一阵子,她那些旧有的坏习惯又开始发作了。Don't start smoking - it's a very bad habit.不要学抽烟—这是个坏习惯He just can't break such a bad habit.他就是改不掉这个坏习惯Smoking is a vice.抽烟是个坏习惯He resolved to combat with his bad habits.他决意与自己的坏习惯搏斗。It's never easy to break/kick a bad habit.改掉坏习惯可不容易。His influence got me into bad habits.我受他的影响染上了坏习惯I hope you didn't pick up bad habits.我希望你没有沾染上坏习惯I love drinking coffee; it's one of my vices.我爱喝咖啡;这是我的坏习惯之一。It's bad manners to interrupt.打断别人是坏习惯Parents try to cure their children of bad habits.父母总是试图改正孩子们的坏习惯Bad habits were rubbing off on them.他们正在沾染坏习惯He got out of the bad habit.他改掉了这个坏习惯If you harp on about their bad habits too long, the kids will just stop listening.如果你对小孩的坏习惯唠叨个没完,他们就会听不进去。Some people have to go cold turkey to stop.有些人必须即刻戒除坏习惯He has the bad habit of interrupting people.他有打断别人说话的坏习惯It is hard to unlearn bad habits.改掉坏习惯不是件容易的事。Drivers have a nasty habit of cutting this corner.司机们总有个坏习惯,喜欢抄这条捷径。He had slid into bad habits.他不知不觉地染上了坏习惯




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