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词汇 accurate
例句 It is vital to keep accurate records.做好准确的记录非常重要。The article presents an accurate picture of the contemporary lives of Japanese women.这篇文章准确描述了当代日本女性的生活状况。The patient's responses are recorded on a sensitive piece of equipment which gives extremely accurate readings.病人的反应由一台灵敏仪器记录下来,该仪器能显示出极其精确的读数。To give an accurate figure, you will need to correct for inflation.要给出准确的数字,你必须根据通货膨胀率进行修正。I don't think these figures are anywhere near accurate.我觉得这些数据根本不准确。The film tries to paint an accurate picture of what life is really like for these people.电影试图准确地刻画出这些人的真实生活。The measurements are sufficiently accurate for our purposes.这些数据对于我们的目的来说已够精确的了。I know what he said wasn't strictly accurate but I let it pass anyway.我知道他说的并不十分准确,但不管怎样,我没有去追究。Whatever you are writing make sure you are clear, concise, and accurate.不管你在写什么,一定要清晰、简练、准确。The measurements are not accurate because I didn't correct for the change in temperature.这些测量结果不精确,因为我没有根据温度的变化进行调整。His typewriting is very accurate.他打字准确性高。Quartz timepieces are very accurate, to a minute or two per year.石英钟表走时非常准,年误差仅为一两分钟。A player's rookie season is not always a good/accurate barometer of his success in the league.球员在新秀赛季的表现并非总能很好/准确地预示日后他在联赛中的成功。This report offered the most specific and accurate description of the problems.该报告对这些问题进行了最具体、最准确的描述。The tests are not an accurate measure of performance.这些测试并不是判断性能的精确方法。No accurate figures are available.目前尚无准确数字。The artist was determined to present an accurate picture.那位画家决定展现一幅精确的画面。Students should be offered accurate information on subjects like sex and contraception.应该向学生提供有关性和避孕之类问题的准确信息。We have always tried to provide the public at large with accurate information.我们总是设法给全体民众提供准确信息。The examiner's final report does not give an accurate picture.审查人的最终报告并没有作出精确的描述。Doctors can get the wrong impression from even an accurate description.即便很精确的病历也可能让医生产生错误的印象。They defy accurate classification at present.这使目前的正确分类有困难。The police had to piece together reports from several witnesses to get an accurate account of what happened.警方把几位目击者提供的信息组合起来,才弄清楚了事情的原委。Many people are querying whether the tests are accurate.很多人都对测试的准确性表示怀疑。What the newspaper said isn't at all accurate, but let that pass.报纸报道根本不准确,不过让它去算了。Although this book is historically accurate, it is not a history book.这本书虽然史料准确,却不是历史书。There is some doubt as to whether the information is totally accurate.关于消息是否完全准确存有一些怀疑。The database will provide timely and accurate information on the current status of the business.这个资料库将就公司现况提供及时而准确的信息。The book, so far as I can judge, is remarkably accurate.就我看来,这本书内容相当准确。I have been convinced that the print media are more accurate and more reliable than television.我已经确信印刷媒体比电视更准确、更可靠。The President argued that accusations emanating from Congress were not accurate.总统辩称国会的指责不确切。Weather conditions have made accurate data collection difficult.天气条件使准确收集数据变得困难。Her account of the period is historically accurate.她对那一时期的描述与历史相符。It enabled students to devote more time to their studies, or to be more accurate, more time to relaxation.它可以让学生们有更多的时间来学习,或者更准确一点说,有更多的时间来放松自己。He gave a full and accurate account of his movements.他完整而准确地叙述了自己的行踪。His speech was an accurate reflection of the public mood.他的讲话是公众情绪的准确反映。The movie is an accurate reflection of what life is like in small towns.电影确切地反映了小镇生活。The use of computers has greatly facilitated the company's ability to keep accurate records.计算机的运用大大提高了该公司进行精确记录的能力。The report was accurate and well balanced.这份报告既准确又详略得当。We did the test again because we wanted to be doubly sure the results were accurate.我们又做了一次试验,因为我们想要加倍肯定结果准确无误。




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