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例句 Anyone dismissed because of their race has legitimate grounds for complaint.任何由于种族原因而被解雇的人都有正当理由投诉。I was nobbled by my deaf old aunt and couldn't get away.我被耳聋的老阿姨拖住了,因而走不开。She was an old enough hand to know that.她是个老手,因而知道那一点。These new crops are making matters worse by destroying traditional agriculture.这些新作物破坏了传统农业,因而使情况更糟糕。She misplaced her keys so often that her secretary used to carry spare ones for her.她经常记不起她的钥匙放在哪儿了,因而她的秘书常为她带着备用钥匙。Their coverage of the riot was criticized for ignoring its causes.他们对那场骚乱的报道因忽略了其起因而受到了批评。The warning signs of the disease are so subtle that they are often ignored.这种疾病的征兆不易察觉,因而往往被忽视。When her husband became director of his own company, she lost many of her friends because she started to queen it over them.当她丈夫成为自己公司的总裁时,她变得妄自尊大,因而失去了许多朋友。Computers have become cheaper and hence more available.电脑便宜了,因而也就更常见了。He was on vacation in Switzerland and unavailable for comment.他在瑞士度假,因而无法请他发表评论。He was promiscuous with his apologies. 他经常为杂七杂八的原因而道歉。His face was red from windburn.他的脸皴了,因而发红。The child's readiness to help carried off his naughtiness.这个孩子乐意助人,因而人们不觉得他顽皮可厌了。They are notorious for resorting to trickery in order to impress their clients.他们为了打动客户不惜坑蒙拐骗,因而声名狼藉。The manager was placed in the awkward/difficult position of having to lay off dozens of workers.经理不得不裁员几十人,因而十分为难。When Wardell was interviewed, he was impressive, and so he was hired.沃德尔在面试时表现出色,因而被录用。Her arbitrariness made her many enemies.她独断专横,因而树敌甚多。With regard to the chaos after the earthquake, many people believe the government is at fault for not responding quickly enough.鉴于地震后的混乱,许多人认为政府反应不够迅速,因而负有责任。Rasputin was killed by men who were jealous of his influence with the Russian royal family.有些人妒忌拉斯普廷对沙俄皇室深具影响力,因而把他杀死。I took the wrong bus and landed on the other side of town.我乘错了公共汽车,因而到了城市的另一头。The dentist has such a smooth manner that I never get scared.牙医的态度安详,因而我一点也不害怕。If it dealt with reality, the book might be seen as blasphemous, but it's pure whimsy and as such cannot really be blasphemous.如果这本书谈论现实,它可能会被认为亵渎神明,但它纯属荒诞故事,因而实际上不会亵渎神明。It had stopped raining, so we left off our raincoats.雨停了,因而我们脱了雨衣。Her mother was hospitalized because the situation was grave.她妈妈病情很严重,因而被送进了医院。There are too many imponderables to make an accurate forecast.无法估量的事情太多,因而难以作出准确的预测。They were consequently unable to meet their engagements.他们因而无力偿付约定的款项。He shouldn't thus invite a sarcastic comeback.他不该因而惹人反唇相讥。He was called to account by his boss for failing to spot the mistake in the company's records.他没能发现公司记录中的错误,因而遭到老板的质问。France was left isolated and at loggerheads with other EU member countries over its refusal to fall into line with demands to cut state borrowing.法国与其他欧盟成员国要求削减国家借贷的意见相左,因而受到它们的孤立,与它们闹得不可开交。She had to walk to the station and so lost her train.她只能步行去车站,因而没赶上火车。The mayor is taking credit for decreases in theft since he took office.自市长上任以来,盗窃案减少了,他因而得到赞扬。The word is misused and sorts oddly with the heading above it.这个词使用不当,因而跟它上面的标题很不协调。I needed more money and so I decided to take the bull by the horns and ask my boss for more pay.我需要更多的钱,因而不畏艰难去向老板要求增加薪资。The matter ranges more broadly than considerations that are appropriate for the more specialized purview of this book.这个问题涉及面更广,而这本书是在较为专业的范围内加以探讨,因而这个问题不是这本书应该考虑的。They believe that hunting is a relic of the past and are calling for it to be banned.他们认为狩猎是旧时的遗俗,因而要求予以禁止。Having gone a long time without scoring, he was relieved to find the net again.他好长时间没有得分,因而又有了投篮的机会时觉得欣慰。It perplexed him because he was approaching the question the wrong way.他用错误的方法处理这个问题,因而感到困惑。Her father was thereby relieved of the responsibility of her education.他的父亲因而被免除了负担她受教育的责任。No product is too prosaic to profit greatly by attractive packaging.靠迷人的包装,任何商品就不会单调乏味,因而总能获利不小。Her political acumen won her the election.她具有敏锐的政治头脑,因而赢得了选举。




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