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History and geography have conspired to bring Greece to a moment of decision.历史和地理因素共同将希腊推至作出抉择的紧要关头。Persistence, rather than speed, is the deciding factor of victory in any game.持久,而不是速度,是决定比赛胜利的因素。The constraint on most doctors is lack of time.制约大部分医生的因素是缺乏时间。No medication works in isolation but is affected to a greater or lesser extent by many other factors.任何药物治疗都不是单独起作用的,而是或多或少受到其他许多因素的影响。The nucleating factors of a community are rooming houses, bars, pool rooms, etc.集体寄宿所、酒吧间、弹子房等是社区内的人集结的因素。The single most important factor that separates ordinary photographs from good photographs is the lighting.区分普通照片和出色照片的一个至关重要的因素就是光线。We have substantial reserves, which provide a good margin for uncertainties.我们有充足的储备,足以应付不确定的因素。We had expected it to take about an hour to get home, but we hadn't reckoned on the traffic.我们估计约一小时可以到家,却没有考虑到交通因素。Two factors separate out the German bourgeoisie from its counterparts in other countries.两个因素使德国资产阶级不同于其他国家的资产阶级。There is a lot of research that still needs to be done, but money is an important limiting factor.仍有许多研究工作尚待完成,但是资金是一个重大的制约因素。The combined effects of the war and the drought resulted in famine.战争和干旱的双重因素导致了饥荒。The age of the patients and their overall health must be factored into the results.在评价治疗效果时,必须将患者的年龄和他们的整体健康状况等因素考虑进去。Although post-natal depression can affect any new mum, there are factors that predispose a woman.尽管每一个刚做妈妈的女性都可能患上产后抑郁,但有些因素容易诱发此病症。Two things decided him against it.两个因素使他决定不去干那件事。The shifting geopolitics of the post-cold-war era have changed the thinking behind aid.后冷战时期不断变化的地理政治因素改变了对外援助的思路目的。Cleveland's reputation for reliability was the decisive factor in winning the contract.克利夫兰诚实可靠的声誉是赢得这份合同的决定性因素。Heedless of time or any other consideration, they began to search the room.他们顾不上考虑时间和其他因素就开始搜查房间。He is making the unarguable point that our desires and preferences have a social component.他要表述一个无可争议的观点:我们的欲望和喜好都掺杂着社会因素。The show mixes comedy and drama in equal measure. 这个表演里的喜剧和戏剧因素参半。Even a problem as simple as a bad back often has an underlying triggering factor.甚至像背疼这样的小问题都常常有潜在的诱发因素。Lack of funding has been a major constraint on the building's design.大楼设计面临的一个主要制约因素是资金短缺。Several issues are at play in determining the price of gasoline.好几个因素影响着汽油价格。Climate is especially important in the case of articles that are readily affected by moisture.对容易受潮的商品来说,气候因素特别重要。There are too many imponderables to make an accurate prediction.有太多无法判断的因素,因此很难作出准确的预测。This was one of the factors that led to President Suharto's dropping of his previous objections.这是导致苏哈托总统放弃其先前异议的因素之一。Level of education is often a determinant of income.教育水平常是收入的一个决定性因素。Several factors make this painting uniquely important.几项因素使得这幅画具有独特的重要意义。Some have minimized the importance of ideological factors.有些人淡化了意识形态因素的重要性。Allow time in the schedule for sickness.计划表要考虑病假因素。The trading losses alone cannot be blamed for causing the bank's collapse, but it was undoubtedly a contributing factor.虽然不能单纯地将该银行倒闭归咎于交易损失,但这无疑是促使其倒闭的一个因素。The availability of water is also part of the equation.是否有水可用也是要考虑的因素之一。Literacy, in a general sense, cannot be said to cause social development.一般来说,读写能力不能说是推动社会发展的因素。They should not allow partisan political considerations or interests to cloud their judgment.他们不应该让党派政治因素或者党派利益影响自己的判断。Many factors limit women's range of job choices.妇女选择工作的范围受到许多因素的制约。Anything which threatens the permanence of the treaty is a threat to peace.任何危及这项条约持久性的因素都是对和平的威胁。His girlfriend lives in London and I'm sure that was a factor in his decision to move there.他的女友住在伦敦,我肯定那就是他决意搬去那里的一个因素。We will take your recent illness into consideration when marking your exams.在给你的考卷打分时,我们会考虑到你最近生病这个因素。Our culture is shaped by many factors, some of them intangible.塑造我们文化的因素有很多,其中有些是难以捉摸的。Both nicotine and carbon monoxide inhaled with cigarette smoking have been incriminated as causative factors.抽烟时吸入的尼古丁和一氧化碳都已经被标定为致病因素。Age is not a factor in cataract surgery.年龄并不是影响做白内障手术的因素。 |