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词汇 因私
例句 They were busted for possession of cannabis.他们因私藏大麻而被捕。She got/was busted for drug possession.因私藏毒品被逮捕。The Party is being degraded by its acceptance of secret donations.该党因私下接受捐赠而蒙羞。The chairman was fired for pocketing funds.董事长因私吞资金被解雇了。The film star became wild with anger over the imposition on her privacy.那位电影明星因私生活受到干预心头直冒怒火。She was arrested for possession of drugs.因私藏毒品而被捕。Although he was on home ground, his campaign had been rocked by adultery allegations.虽然是在自己家乡,他的竞选活动还是因私通指控受到了冲击。I felt a flash of anger over the imposition on my privacy.因私生活受到干预心头直冒怒火。He has served time for drug possession.因私藏毒品而入狱。




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