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A nuclear bomb could wipe the whole country off the map.一枚核弹可以毁掉整个国家。This is yet another occasion where Scotland gets missed off the map.地图上又一次漏标了苏格兰。The explosion wiped the island off the map. 爆炸使这个岛彻底从地图上消失了。The bomb wiped their village off the map.炸弹摧毁了他们的村庄。Our town is just off the map.我们的小镇很偏远。There are bombs so powerful that whole nations could be wiped off the map by them.有一种炸弹威力十分巨大,能将所有的国家都彻底摧毁。This place was off the map in terms of news.这个地方没有什么新闻。It's a small place in Nebraska. Right off the map.这是内布拉斯加州的一个小地方,很偏远。Our house is rather off the map.我们的家相当难找。A missile could wipe the airfield off the map.一枚导弹就可以把飞机场夷为平地。 |