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The Queen is titular head of the Church of England.英国女王是英国国教名义上的领袖。Should new citizens of Canada pledge allegiance to the queen of Great Britain?加拿大的新公民要向英国女王宣誓效忠吗?How long was the reign of Queen Victoria?英国女王维多利亚在位有多久?Elizabeth II is queen of England in her own right.伊莉莎白二世因本身之继承权而成为英国女王。She became Her Britannic Majesty's new ambassador plenipotentiary to the Republic of Lebanon.她成为了英国女王陛下驻黎巴嫩共和国的新任全权大使。The Queen of England lives in Buckingham Palace.英国女王住在白金汉宫。 |