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词汇 offset
例句 The buoyancy of the housing market should help to offset the impact of the share price plunge on consumer spending.房地产市场的繁荣有助于抵消股价暴跌对消费支出带来的影响。Henry has to offset his small salary by living economically.亨利只好用勤俭持家的办法来弥补他菲薄的薪水。The loss was partially offset by increases in revenues elsewhere.其他地方收益的增加部分地抵消了这一损失。The slowdown in domestic demand was offset by an increase in exports.国内需求的放缓通过出口的增长得到了弥补。The money will help to offset big medical bills.这笔钱有助于偿付巨额的医药费。The party has an uphill battle to offset the gains made by other parties.该政党在抵消其他政党获得的收益方面面临艰巨的任务。The carbon emissions are largely offset by planting trees.植树可以在很大程度上抵消碳排放。The decline in marriage has been offset by a rise in cohabitation.同居人数增加,这弥补了结婚人数的减少。His blonde hair offset a deep tan.满头的金发衬托出他一身黝黑的皮肤。Allowing Anna to live there for free as an offset on her wages kept the payroll to a minimum.让安娜免费住在那里作为对她工资的补贴,这样便使工薪总额维持在了最低水平。The pay raise will be offset by inflation.增加的薪资会被通货膨胀所抵销。Falling sales in Thailand were offset by strong performances in other markets.其他市场的出色业绩弥补了泰国销售量的下降。The savings on staff wages are offset by the increased maintenance costs.减少员工工资省下的钱被增加的维修费用抵消了。Gains in one area offset losses in another.这边挣的补上了那边赔的。We can offset the loss against next year's budget.我们可以用明年的预算抵消亏损。The decline in marriage has been offset by a rise in cohabitation.结婚人数的减少由于同居人数的增加而得以弥补。He was able to offset his travel expenses against tax.他可以用旅费来获得税项减免。The limited storage space in the house is offset by the large garage.巨大的车库弥补了房子存储空间不足的缺陷。These tax credits are designed to help offset the costs of child-care.这些退税旨在帮助抵消儿童护理所需的费用。The subscriber growth was strong, but it was offset by higher churn and lower revenues per user.订阅者数量增长强劲,但却因为订户流失率变高、人均收益降低而抵消掉了。Whatever advantage the domestic has in price is offset by the imported's snob appeal.国产货无论价格怎么便宜也敌不过进口货对势利顾客的吸引。We offset all our long-haul flights.我们补偿了之前长途运输机的排放所带来的损害。Your donations to charity can be offset against tax.你对慈善事业的捐赠可获得税项减免。The company's losses in the US were more than offset by gains everywhere else.该公司在其他地方的利润不足以弥补其在美国的损失。You may like to introduce some mental exercises as an offset to the physical activities.你或许想要进行一些脑力活动作为对体育活动的调节。The increase in pay costs was more than offset by higher productivity.提高的生产率抵消了增加的工资成本后仍有结余。The move is designed to help offset the shortfall in world oil supplies caused by the UN embargo.此举旨在缓解联合国禁运所造成的世界石油供应短缺的局面。Cuts in prices for milk, butter, and cheese will be offset by direct payments to farmers.通过直接付款给农场主来弥补牛奶、黄油和奶酪降价造成的损失。The increase in pay costs was more than offset by higher productivity.提高的生产率完全抵消了增加的工资成本。Their wage increases would be offset by higher prices.他们增加的工资会被物价上涨所抵消。A moderation in food prices helped to offset the first increase in energy prices.食品价格趋于平稳帮助抵消了能源价格第一波上涨的影响。New power plants must offset emissions by funding climate-change projects.新电站必须通过资助气候变化项目以补偿其排放。




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