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词汇 房东
例句 She accused her landlord of bad faith because he had promised to paint the apartment but never did it.她指责房东不守信用,因为他承诺过要粉刷公寓但一直没有兑现。Landlords can charge a returnable deposit.房东可以收取一笔可退还的押金。I asked the landlord to forward all my mail, but he didn't.我叫房东转寄我所有的邮件,可他没有这样做。He asked his landlord if he could sublet.他问房东能否转租。Some landlords have become greedy and are demanding higher rents than people can afford.有些房东变得很贪,要求的房租超过了人们所能负担的。You may not decorate without the landlord's approval.未经房东同意,你不可以装修。The landlord had the right of entry to the building with due warning.房东有权预先通知后进入大楼。The contract says quite clearly that the landlord must pay for all repairs to the house.合同上写得明明白白,房东必须支付房屋的修缮费用。My landlord really has me over a barrel. I have to either pay double my rent or move somewhere else.房东真让我进退两难了,要么我得付两倍的房租,要么就得搬走。The landlord enforced his right to enter the property.房东行使了进入房产的权利。He got into a hassle with his landlord.他和房东吵了起来。My lawyer advised me to particularize all my complaints against my landlord.律师建议我详细说明对房东不满的所有理由。You need to get onto your landlord about that leaky roof.你应该和你的房东联系修理屋顶漏水的事。The landlord says that he is not prepared to pay for the repairs.房东说他不准备支付维修费用。We were going to renew our lease, but the landlord threw a wrench into the works by increasing the rent.我们打算续租,但是房东涨房租破坏了我们的计划。Do you pay your landlord a fixed charge for heating?你是不是付给你的房东固定的取暖费? Paying rent simply helps to line the pockets of landlords. It's far better to put your money into bricks and mortar of your own.租房子只会鼓了房东的腰包,自己投资买房要合算得多。Tenants are complaining about the landlord's neglect of the property.住户在抱怨房东疏忽了房屋的维修。Our landlord threatened to disconnect our electricity.房东以停电要挟我们。Losing my job was bad enough, but being evicted was the final straw.丢了工作已经够糟了,但被房东赶出门后我彻底崩溃了。Our host in London was a delightful old gent.我们在伦敦的房东是一位快乐的老绅士。Her landlord has given her a week to move out.房东给她一星期时间搬走。The landlord gave notice of the termination of tenancy.房东给了租约终止的通知。If they don't pay their rent, the landlord will have to chuck them out.如果不付房租,房东就会把他们撵走。The landlord may be justified in charging for any additional work that needs to be done.也许房东对需要做的额外事情收费是合情合理的。The tenant must get the prior consent of the landlord before doing any redecorating in the flat.房客在重新装修住房前必须事先征得房东的同意。The landlord raised my rent.房东提高了我的租金。We had to get permission from the landlord before painting the apartment.我们必须先征得房东同意才可粉刷公寓。The landlord is an extremely disagreeable man. Have as little to do with him as possible.房东是个特别难相处的人,尽量少和他扯上关系。The landlord fixed the heat, but the tenants still were not mollified.房东修好了暖气,但房客们仍怒气未消。The landlord agreed to renew our lease for another year.房东同意让我们续租一年。A landlord may retain part of your deposit if you break the lease.如果你违反租约,房东可能会扣下你的部分押金。She lodged a complaint against her landlord in court.她在法庭上对房东提出了控诉。Landlords can dictate their own conditions when letting.房东在出租房屋时可以强制规定自己的条件。The landlords are so stingy - they refused to pay for new carpets.房东们太小气了——他们拒绝掏钱买新地毯。His landlord threatened to take him to court. 他的房东威胁要起诉他。Larry's landlord threatened not to renew his lease.拉里的房东威胁说不跟他续租。The landlord must provide the tenant with written notice to vacate the property.房东如果要房客搬走,必须向房客提供书面通知。The landlords forced up the rents.房东们强行提高房租。Some landlords have resorted to short-term rentals.有些房东采取了短期租赁的方式。




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