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词汇 offices
例句 Theft from offices and factories eats into company profits.办公室和工厂内的失窃影响了公司的利润。The offices are still empty and lifeless.办公室里依然空空荡荡,没有一个人。It is a professional service based at our offices in Oxford.这项专业服务由我们在牛津的办事处提供。It costs a lot to heat these offices.给这些办公室供热花费很大。Flags have been flying at half-mast, and schools, offices and businesses have been closed.降了半旗,学校、办公楼和商业场所也都关门了。The offices weren't very well designed - the rooms are too small and it's much too hot in summer.办公室设计得不好—房间太小,夏天时太热。The upper stories/floors are occupied by offices.上面几层都被办公室占用了。Records of all births and deaths are kept in the county offices.县办事处存有所有的出生和死亡记录。The leaflet is available free of charge from post offices.宣传单可以到邮局免费领取。He cleans the offices after all the workers have gone home.所有的工人回家后,他便打扫办公室。Police attempted to turn back protesters marching towards the offices of President Ershad.警方试图迫使向艾尔沙德总统官邸进发的抗议者原路返回。The new stamps are now on sale at post offices.新邮票现在各邮局有售。Immediately after his election he began to distribute major offices among his friends and supporters.他当选后立即着手将要职分派给他的朋友和支持者们。Dryness of the skin can also be caused by centrally heated homes and offices.长期待在有中央供暖系统的住宅和办公室里也会引起皮肤干燥。The new offices are very futuristic.新办公室极具现代风格。Telephones shrill uselessly in deserted offices.在空无一人的办公室里,电话铃徒然发出尖锐刺耳的响声。Thousands have registered with unemployment offices.已有数千人在失业管理处作了登记。Centrally heated offices tend to be stuffy.中央供暖的办公室往往闷热。The report pulls together information from several offices.这份报告把几个办公室的信息都组织到了一起。The company is in the process of enlarging its offices.公司正在扩大办公场所。The President has power to nominate people to certain key offices, including judge of the Supreme Court.总统有权给某些重要职位提名,包括最高法院的法官。Phone calls jammed switchboards in airline ticket offices.打往航空公司售票处的电话多极了,总机应接不暇。Our offices are next to the bank and catty-corner from McDonald's restaurant.我们的办公室在银行隔壁,麦当劳斜对面。Strip lighting is very effective in offices, but it's too bright for the home.荧光灯管照明很适合在办公室用,但用于家中就太亮了。We're in the building opposite the government offices.我们在正对着政府办公楼的大楼里。The newspaper's offices were ransacked by members of the secret police.报社的办公室被秘密警察搜了个遍。The offices occupy the top floor of the building.办公室在大楼的最高层。The company set up its first permanent offices in Manhattan.该公司在曼哈顿建立了第一个长期办事处。They're putting up new offices all over the place.他们到处设立新的办事处。Detailed implementation of the plans was left to the regional offices.这些计划由各地区办事处来具体执行。Canada will ban smoking in all offices.加拿大将在办公场所全面禁烟。In many offices, desks are separated by modular walls that can be moved around.很多办公室的桌子都是用可移动的组合墙隔开的。The firm has offices in several large cities, but does most of its business by mail.该公司在几座大城市设有办事处,但大部分业务仍靠邮递进行。They have also searched offices in Sheffield and taken away documents for examination.他们还搜查了位于设菲尔德的办公室,并带走了一些文件进行仔细检查。Reporters at the scene flashed the news to their offices.现场记者迅速将新闻发送到本社。The company has just revealed its plans for the coming year, including the opening of new offices in Paris.公司刚透露了来年的计划,包括在巴黎开设新办事处。The company's offices were besieged by hundreds of people who had holidays planned.公司的办公室被几百个已经计划好度假的人团团围住。The door connecting the two offices is kept locked.连接两个办公室的门始终锁着。Smith was shunted off to one of the company's smaller offices.史密斯被调到公司属下一个较小的办事处。The dead tycoon's sons will remain in their plush offices overseeing the death throes of the family empire.这位已故大亨的儿子们将坐在豪华的办公室里,目睹这个家族帝国崩溃前的痛苦挣扎。




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