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词汇 双眼
例句 Shut your eyes tight.紧闭你的双眼On closer inspection, his eyes looked unhealthy.仔细一看,可以发现他的双眼露出病怏怏的神色。He suddenly became very talkative, his face slightly flushed, his eyes much brighter.他的话突然多了起来,脸颊微微泛红,双眼明亮许多。The light reflected from the water into my eyes.光线从水面反射进我的双眼Although she often seems quite cold, her smiling eyes betray her true nature.虽然看上去总是很冷漠,但她微笑的双眼却显示出了真性情。I could see the twinkle in his eyes.我看到他的双眼闪闪发亮。His eyes looked red and sore, as if he had been rubbing them.他的双眼看上去又红又痛,好像他一直在揉似的。Her eyes were vibrant with a luminous fervency.她的双眼炯炯有神,闪烁着睿智、热情的光芒。One or both eyes cannot filter light properly because the corneal surface is irregular.因为角膜表面异常,一只眼睛或双眼均无法正常过滤光线。His eyes bored into her, paralysing her, robbing her of movement.双眼凝视着她,令她全身瘫软,不能动弹。Her eyes sparkled with happiness.她的双眼闪耀著幸福的光芒。Her eyes were tearing from the cold.她冷得双眼直掉泪。She dropped her eyes when he looked at her. = Her eyes fell when he looked at her.他看她时,她垂下双眼Denny regarded his uncle with wide eyes.丹尼睁大双眼凝视他的伯伯。Tears stood in Oliver's eyes.奥利弗双眼噙着泪。The ball hit me on the head and I saw stars for a moment.球打在我头上,我一下子双眼直冒金星。Meg's eyes widened in admiration.梅格羡慕地睁大了双眼The sun was glaring in my eyes.太阳的强光刺着我的双眼His eyes lit up with pleasure.他高兴得双眼放光。His eyes became accustomed to the dark after the brilliance of the sun outside.从阳光耀眼的室外走进来后,他的双眼开始适应了黑暗。She was wide-eyed in amazement.她吃惊得睁大了双眼He turned his sightless eyes their way and boomed out a greeting.他将失明的双眼转向他们,低声打了个招呼。The sleeping child stirred and opened her eyes.睡着的孩子微微动了一下,睁开双眼She put her hands over her eyes.她用手蒙住双眼She fixed her pale blue eyes on her father's.她淡蓝色的眼睛紧紧盯着她父亲的双眼McLaren accused Roberts of trying to gouge his eyes out during the fight.麦克拉伦指控罗伯茨打架时要挖掉他的双眼His eyes were half closed.双眼半闭。Bruckner was watching him with wide, frightened eyes.布鲁克纳瞪大双眼,恐惧地看着他。Emma's eyes went red and watery.埃玛双眼发红,泪水盈盈。He gazed at the street with dull, glassy eyes.他呆滞、无神的双眼凝视著那街道。Her eyes twinkled with amusement.她的双眼闪耀着愉悦的光芒。Her eyes were washed with tears.她的双眼泪水汪汪。His eyes were bleary with fatigue.他累得双眼昏花。His eye was partly closed, and there was a swelling over his lid.双眼半闭,眼睑上有一个肿块。Little by little his eyes adjusted to the light.他的双眼逐渐地适应了光线。Juliet's eyes shone with happiness.朱丽叶的双眼闪耀着幸福的光芒。Holly closed her eyes happily, luxuriating in the knowledge that Tom had been jealous of her.霍莉得知汤姆曾因她吃醋,高兴地闭上了双眼,心底乐开了花。He was led blindfolded into the woods.他被蒙住双眼带进了树林。He passed his hand over his eyes.他用手拂过自己的双眼My eyes were watering from dust.我的双眼进了灰尘正在流泪。




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