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词汇 双脚
例句 She trod casually, enjoying the touch of the damp grass on her feet.她信步而行,享受着湿漉漉的草地触及双脚的感觉。She planted her feet wide and bent her knees slightly.双脚大开站稳,膝盖微屈。Standing all day puts stress on your feet.整天站着会使双脚承受压力。She was barefoot and wearing a man's shirt over her jeans.她赤着双脚,穿了一件男式衬衫盖在牛仔裤上面。Try these simple exercises to keep your feet supple.尝试做这些简单的锻炼来保持双脚的柔韧性。He cooled his burning feet in the stream.他把发烫的双脚放进溪流里降降温。It is nekulturny nekulturniiy for a man to put feet up on a desk.双脚搁在书桌上是不文明的。She paused long enough to bathe her blistered feet.她把双脚长时间泡在水中,以充分浸泡长满水泡的脚。His feet met the tumble of clothing.他的双脚踩到了乱糟糟的一堆衣服。My feet were sore and my back was aching.双脚酸痛,背也痛。Stand with your feet wide apart.两腿叉开站立,双脚间距要大。I sat by the river with my feet dangling in the water.我坐在河边,双脚垂在水中。His feet were all taped up because of blisters.他的双脚因磨起了泡而都扎了绷带。My feet were parboiled and blistered.我的双脚火烧火燎的,还起了泡。My feet are really tender.我的双脚生疼。I would have come off the seat if I hadn't braced my feet against the dashboard.若不是把双脚死死抵着马车的挡泥板,我准会从座位上给摔出去。Her feet sank into the thick pile of the rug.她的双脚陷入了厚厚的绒毯中。He nervously shifted his weight from foot to foot.他很紧张,重心在双脚之间来回换。She tried to force her feet into the shoes but they were too small.她把双脚硬往鞋子里塞,但鞋子实在太小了。Joyce was sent off for a two-footed tackle on the other team's right back.乔伊斯因对对方右后卫双脚铲球而被罚下场。Take each foot in both your hands and rotate it to loosen and relax the ankle.双手抓住自己的双脚,转动一下,以放松脚踝。He stood with his feet turned out.双脚呈外八字站着。My feet were sometimes so painful and swollen that I could not wear shoes.有时我的双脚疼痛,肿得非常厉害,以致鞋都穿不了。Her feet hurt and her hands were rubbed raw from unaccustomed work.这种活儿她根本做不习惯,双脚疼痛,双手也蹭破了皮。With his feet tied together he could only move in little hops.双脚被捆在了一起,只能小步跳。He looked down at the floor, scuffing one shoe against the other.他低头看着地板,双脚相互蹭着走。Our feet crunched on the frozen snow.我们的双脚嘎吱作响地踩著冰冻的雪地。He is suffering from frostbite in his feet.他的双脚生了冻疮。Monica shuffled her feet nervously and stared at the floor.莫妮卡紧张地把双脚挪来挪去,目光盯在地上。Keep your feet on the floor.保持双脚踏在地面上。His bare feet were smooth on top and rough-skinned underneath.他赤裸的双脚脚面很光滑,脚底却很粗糙。She worried about splinters in her bare feet.她很担心扎在她赤裸双脚上的刺。She planted her feet firmly to the spot and refused to move.双脚钉在那里,不肯移动。He tilted his chair backwards and put his feet up on his desk.他把椅子向后倾,双脚搁在书桌上。Keep the patient horizontal with the feet slightly raised.让病人平躺,双脚略微抬高。The broken glass lacerated his feet.碎玻璃割伤了他的双脚She had long, narrow feet.双脚瘦长。Each evening they returned having nothing to show for their day but tired feet.他们每晚回来时除了双脚酸痛外一无所得。She put both feet in the stream.她把双脚放进小溪里。Stand on the skis with your feet well apart.双脚分开站在滑雪板上。




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