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词汇 odd
例句 I had a rather odd experience the other day.前些天我有过一次相当奇怪的经历。It struck me as odd that the man didn't introduce himself before he spoke.我感到很奇怪,那个男人在讲话之前没有介绍过自己。She hoped to make a few odd dollars during her summer vacation.她希望在暑假期间赚点外快。There was something rather odd about him.他这人有点奇怪。There's something odd about him, but I can't quite put my finger on it.他有点儿不对劲,但我说不出到底是什么。You can add bones, the odd vegetable, herbs, and chopped onions.你可以加几块骨头、零星蔬菜、香草和切块的洋葱。He's got a whole drawer full of odd socks.他有一抽屉的单只袜子。What about the odd chance that you do put an innocent man in the dock?若是你真的把一个无辜的人送上被告席了呢?His face was so odd that it defies description.他的脸长得特别古怪,简直无法描述。She has taught for thirty odd years.她已教了三十余年书。The odd-numbered houses are on the left side of the street.单号的住宅在大街的左侧。Mark and Rick were the odd ones out in claiming to like this cherry beer.只剩下马克和里克声称喜欢喝这种樱桃啤酒。She was always the odd one out at school - she didn't have many friends.她在学校里总是形单影只——她没有多少朋友。Bill and his brother were a rather odd-looking pair.比尔和他弟弟是看上去很古怪的一对。The vagabond odd-jobbed his way to Washington.那流浪汉一路打零工到达华盛顿。Many of these street people seemed to support themselves by panhandling and doing odd jobs.这些无家可归者很多似乎都靠街头行乞或者干零工养活自己。What an odd coincidence that he should have known your family.他居然认识你的家人,真是太巧了。I knew that Alan liked the odd drink.我知道艾伦喜欢偶尔喝点酒。I find him really odd - I can't figure him out at all.我觉得他确实很怪,我真是一点儿也不明白他。Charles was an odd character whom Kelly had never really taken to.查尔斯是个怪人,凯利从没有真正喜欢过他。Economically, Canada appears to be the developed world's odd man out.加拿大在经济上似乎是发达国家中游离在外的一个。The whole story sounded very odd.整个故事听起来很古怪。He has some odd habits.他有些怪习惯。She was wearing an odd assortment of clothes.她穿着奇装异服。It seemed odd that he wanted a picture of me.他想要一张我的照片,这似乎有点奇怪。The odd thing was that I didn't feel bad about it.奇怪的是我没觉得这有什么不好。We thought her behaviour was very odd.我们认为她的行为很奇怪。There's something odd about him but I can't nail it down.他有些古怪,但我说不清是什么。There's something odd going on.正在发生一些莫名其妙的事。It's been 30 odd years since I last saw him.自从我上次见过他之后,已经有三十多年没见面了。Mia noticed the window was open, which struck her as odd on a cold winter night.米娅注意到窗户开着,她觉得这在一个寒冷的冬夜很奇怪。There's an odd number of candidates.候选人人数是奇数。That's odd - I'm sure I put my keys in this drawer and yet they're not here.真奇怪——我肯定把钥匙放进这个抽屉了,可是却不见了。She's got a really odd sense of humor.她的幽默感真的不同寻常。How odd life was, how unfathomable, how profoundly unjust.生活多么离奇,多么莫测,多么不公啊!Jake does odd jobs around the house - mowing the lawn, cleaning the windows and so on and so forth.杰克做点家里的零活—修剪草坪、清洁窗户等等。He does odd jobs for people.他替人做临时工。There's a picture on every odd page of the book.这本书中每一单数页码上都有一幅画。I was the odd one out; all my friends were in couples.我所有的朋友都是成双搭对的,只有我孤零零一个人。Her father was an odd man.她父亲是个古怪的人。




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