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词汇 occasionally
例句 When you run big public companies that occasionally disappoint investors, you've got to take your lumps.经营大型上市公司偶尔会令投资者失望,这时你就要为此付出代价。I know that I do put people down occasionally.我知道我确实偶尔会奚落别人。He was arrogant and occasionally callous.他很傲慢,有时也很无情。The tone of his book is consistently negative, occasionally arrogant, and often superficial.他的书基调一贯是负面消极的,有时还有点儿傲慢自大,且常常流于肤浅。He is titular head, and merely signs laws occasionally.他是名义上的首脑,不过偶尔签字批准法律法规。He still comes around the gym occasionally, just to keep his hand in.他偶尔还来健身房,免得生疏了。The sentences are occasionally boneless.句子有时很乏味。I just threw in a few comments occasionally.我只是偶尔插进几句评论。The artist's work is occasionally spoilt by a certain overattention to detail.这位艺术家的作品有时会因为过于关注细节而美中不足。The Queen is walking slowly along the lines of soldiers, occasionally stopping to ask a question.女王在一列列士兵面前慢慢地走过,不时地停下来问问题。I don't mind helping her out occasionally, but this is getting beyond a joke.我不介意时不时帮她一下,但现在这变得有些让人烦了。I write with a fountain pen and occasionally blot my work.我用自来水笔写字,偶尔会把写的东西弄脏。She was thrusting in a question or two occasionally.她不时地插嘴提出一两个问题。Kay's moods sometimes made life difficult, and occasionally impossible.凯的这种情绪使得日子很不好过,有时简直过不下去。Only occasionally did the telltale redness around his eyes betray the fatigue he was suffering.只有从他发红的眼圈上偶尔能看出他非常疲惫。The old man wandered along, swigging occasionally from a whiskey bottle.那老汉在闲逛着,偶尔从瓶子里喝一大口威士忌。You may occasionally drive by his flat just to get a peek.你可能会偶尔开车经过他的公寓,只为偷偷看一眼。Violence occasionally erupts between the opposing factions.对立派别间时有暴力事件发生。He drank to excess, occasionally causing scenes in front of CIA officials.他酒喝得过了量,有时候会在中情局官员面前出丑。She watches the kids for us occasionally.她偶尔会替我们照看孩子。Most evenings we dined in, but we occasionally accepted invitations out.大多数晚上我们在家吃饭,但偶尔也应邀出去吃。The book is generally well written but it occasionally veers off course. 这本书总体写得很好,但偶有偏离主题之处。He is titular head of state, and merely signs laws occasionally.他是名义上的国家元首,只是偶尔签署一下法律法规。They lived an orderly life occasionally speckled with happiness.他们过着一种有规律的生活,偶尔也有一些欢乐时刻。The river occasionally becomes a torrent after a downpour, and may even cause flooding.暴雨过后,河水有时会变得湍急,甚至可能引发洪水。He still misbehaves occasionally.他偶尔还是会行为不端。She wandered around the market stalls, stopping occasionally to look at something that took her fancy.她在市场的各摊位闲逛,偶尔有什么喜欢的,就停下来看看。She admits that she occasionally bets on horses.她承认自己有时也赌马。He went on talking, occasionally wiping at his face with a towel.他继续讲下去,偶尔用手巾擦一下脸。He occasionally interspersed his Arabic with French phrases.他讲阿拉伯语间或夹杂些法语词组。Roosevelt occasionally attempted to circumvent him.罗斯福偶尔会尝试以智胜他。His prose is vigorous and dense, occasionally to the point of obscurity.他的散文文笔有力、内容庞杂,有时几近晦涩。Men were standing around, swilling beer and occasionally leering at passing females.男人们吊儿郎当地站着,大口大口地喝着啤酒,偶尔还对着路过的女性猥亵地笑。We drink only occasionally, and even then very little.我们只是偶尔才喝喝酒,就是喝也很少。I like to try new tastes occasionally.我有时喜欢尝尝没有尝过的滋味。Apart from going swimming occasionally, I don't get much exercise.除了偶尔游游泳之外,我不大运动。The manual occasionally lapses into incomprehensible jargon.这本指南偶尔冒出些令人费解的行话。He could bring in one of the freelances that we occasionally use.他可以带来一名我们偶尔雇用的自由职业者。The silence was occasionally punctuated by laughter.寂静间或被笑声打破。It would please Granny no end if you wrote to her occasionally.如果你能不时给奶奶写封信,她会非常高兴的。




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