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词汇 not surprised
例句 I am not surprised that the Booker Prize jury included it on their shortlist.我毫不惊讶布克奖评委会将其列在入选名单中。She has a good head for figures, so I'm not surprised that she became an accountant.她很有算术头脑,因此她做了会计我并不惊讶。I'm not surprised that your studies are suffering.你的功课变得越来越差,我并不感到奇怪。I'm not surprised they're friends - they're two of a kind.他们是朋友我并不奇怪,他们两个属于同一类型。I'm not surprised that you don't feel well. That's what comes from not eating the right kinds of food.你感觉不舒服我并不觉得意外。因为你吃了不该吃的食物。Reading the ideas of the so-called experts, I am not surprised the country is in such a state.读了这些所谓的专家的想法后,我对于该国的这种现状一点也不感到奇怪了。I'm not surprised that she's fed up with him.她厌倦了他,我并不感到奇怪。I'm not surprised that they have such a happy marriage. I always knew that they were made for each other.他们婚姻如此幸福,我并不意外。我一直觉得他俩是天作之合。I'm not surprised she took offence at his remarks.她对他的话感到生气,对此我一点也不奇怪。I was, I might say, not surprised.我要说的是,我并不觉得惊讶。I'm not surprised she lost her job - she was really asking for it.她丢了工作我一点都不觉得奇怪——这是她自找的。I'm not surprised he's feeling ill - he was eating one ice cream after another!他生病我不觉得奇怪——他不停嘴地吃冰激凌!I'm not surprised he shouted at you! How would you like to be pushed into a wall?他冲你嚷我一点都不奇怪!你愿意被人推到墙上吗?I'm not surprised that I didn't get the job. That's the story of my life. 没得到这份工作我一点不奇怪,我的生活总是这样。I'm not surprised he walked out, after the way she treated him.她那样对待他,所以我对他的出走并不感到惊讶。I'm not surprised those two are such friends; they're birds of a feather.那两个人交情这么好我不惊讶,他们是一丘之貉嘛。I'm not surprised. I always thought he would do it.我觉得一点都不意外。我一直认为他会这样做。I'm not surprised that they have such a happy marriage. I always knew that they were meant for each other.他们有如此幸福的婚姻我并不感到惊奇。我就知道他俩是天生的一对。Frankly, I'm not surprised her family disowned her.坦率地讲,她家里人和她断绝关系我并不感到奇怪。I'm not surprised you couldn't find your way here if Peter gave you directions!如果是彼得给你指路,也就难怪你找不到来这儿的路了!I'm not surprised you've had problems with Diane. She's not the easiest person to work with, is she?你跟黛安娜合不来这不奇怪。她这人很难共事,是吧?Given the gravity of the situation, I'm not surprised she's panicking.在如此严峻的形势下,难怪她会惊慌失措。I'm not surprised he's miserable, living in that dank old house.他住在那阴湿的老房子里,对他这种可悲的处境我并不感到惊奇。I'm not surprised he failed his exam - he didn't exactly try very hard!他没通过考试我一点都不感到奇怪——他根本就没用功。Knowing him as I do , I'm not surprised by his decision.以我对他的了解,我对他的决定不感到意外。I'm not surprised that he lied about it. There are a lot of people like him out there. 他在这事上撒了谎,我一点儿也不奇怪。像他这样的人很多。I'm not surprised you have stomach ache - you eat too fast.你胃痛我并不奇怪—你吃得太快了。Defense lawyer Charles Grieshammer said he was not surprised by the verdict.辩护律师查尔斯·格里沙默尔称他对该判决不感到惊奇。




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