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例句 I looked at him not so much in fear as in an iron incomprehension.我盯着他看,与其说是害怕,不如说是感到茫然不解。Cologne is not so very far down-river from Mainz.科隆位于美因茨下游不远处。His manner is not so much regal as professorial.他的言行举止不太像帝王,倒更像学者一些。He's not so naive as to believe that.他没天真到会相信此事。He's not so sure of himself these days.他近来不大有自信。He assured us that the insurance claim was honest and above board, but I'm not so sure.他向我们保证,这项保险索赔是诚实正当的,但我不能确定。Consumer advocacy groups are not so enthusiastic about removing restrictions on the telephone companies.保护消费者团体并不热衷于取消对电话公司的限制。He's not so old as he claims to be.他并没有自己说的那么老。Her next question was not so easily handled.她的下一个问题就不那么容易应对了。Privately, I'm not so sure it's a good idea.在内心深处,我拿不准这是不是个好主意。She's not so pretty anyone would want to ruin her.她并没有标致到谁都想引诱她失身的地步。He's not so daft as to listen to rumours.他还没有蠢到听信谣言的地步。Once the printing processes have been put in motion, they're not so easy to stop.印刷工序一旦启动,就不容易停止了。He had received not so much as a scratch in the accident.他在事故中甚至没有擦伤一点皮。On further reflection, I'm not so sure it's a good idea.再仔细一想,我真不敢肯定这是个好主意了。Some of the tracks on the record are great, but others are not so hot.那张唱片上的有些曲目很好,另一些却不怎么样。He was not so foolish as I thought.他并非像我想的那样笨。It's an attractive car but not so exciting to drive as the Ford Mustang.这是辆漂亮的轿车,但开起来不如福特野马那么刺激。He's not so high and mighty now that he needs our help.由于有求于我们,他不那么趾高气扬了。The civil servant's expression, however, did not change, not so much as by a flicker.然而,那位公务员的表情还是那样,丝毫没变。It was not so long ago that similar hyperbolic claims were being made for them.就在不久前还有人在为他们做出种种夸口。Despite reports that the mayor was considering resigning, he has said that that is not so.尽管报道说市长在考虑辞职,但市长说事实并非如此。He's really not so bad. When you get to know him he seems quite human.他实际上没那么坏。 一旦你对他有所了解,他似乎挺平常。Sometimes I wish he was more passionate, not so rational about everything.有时我希望他能够更冲动些,不要凡事都那么理性。The test was not so very hard after all.毕竟那次考试不是很难。Your mathematics are not so good.你的计算能力不太好。She told me she was not so much leaving her job as it was leaving her.她告诉我,与其说是她辞了工作,不如说是工作辞了她。I prefer badminton to squash. It's not so tiring for one thing.与壁球相比,我更喜欢羽毛球。打羽毛球不太累人是原因之一。It was a not so shabby week for the team, who had three wins.这个队本周还不错,已经赢了三场。She was not so much nervous as impatient for the journey to be over.说她紧张,不如说她是不耐烦,希望旅途快点结束。I read in the Miami Herald that conditions in the women's jails are not so together.根据我读到的《迈阿密先驱报》的报道,女子监狱的条件并不怎么现代化。It was not so much that the work was difficult, but that it was so boring.与其说那项工作很难,不如说它很无聊。When reduced to their essentials, most religions are not so different.如果归结到要点,那么大部分宗教都大同小异。His smile was a recognition that things were not so bad.他的微笑表明事情没有那么糟糕。She's not so meek and mild as she seems.她并不像看上去那么顺服温和。She's not so clever as her brother.她不如她弟弟那样聪明。This disorder is easily diagnosed but not so easily treated.这种疾病容易诊断,但却不容易治疗。He would see I was not so easily replaceable.他会看到我不是那么容易被替代的。I'm afraid the news is not so good.恐怕这不是个很好的消息。David managed to escape, but the others were not so fortunate.戴维设法逃脱了,但其他人却没那么幸运。




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