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词汇 Ned
例句 I asked Ned to lead the discussion.我叫内德来主持这次讨论。She and Ned sat silently for a moment, absorbing the peace of the lake.她和内德默默坐了一会儿,陶醉于湖面的宁静。Ned vaulted over a fallen tree.内德跳过一棵倒下的树。Everyone knew that Ned was the biggest skiver in the class.所有人都知道,内德是班上逃课最多的人。Suddenly Ned swerved the truck, narrowly missing a blond teenager on a skateboard.内德驾驶的卡车差点撞到一个滑滑板的金发少年,他猛打方向盘才躲了过去。Ned smiled at him indulgently.内德宽容地对他笑了笑。Sammy was standing close to Ned, talking animatedly with him.萨米站在内德旁边,跟他聊得正起劲。They call Ned Kelly a criminal, but to me he will always be a hero.他们把内德·凯利叫做罪犯,但在我看来他永远是英雄。Ned stuck his hands in his pockets.内德把手插进衣兜里。Ned likes to magnify his achievements.内德喜欢夸大自己所取得的成绩。They covertly observed Lauren, who was sitting between Ned and Algie at a nearby table.他们偷偷地观察旁边一张桌子上坐在内德和阿尔吉中间的劳伦。Ned reacted angrily to Bill's comments.内德对比尔的话非常气愤。She figured that both she and Ned had learned a lot from the experience.她觉得自己和内德都从这一经历中学到了很多东西。Ned paced back and forth, ranting about some imagined injustice.内德来回踱步,怒气冲冲地抱怨一些想象出来的不公平的事。Ned turned on the lanterns, which worked with batteries.内德打开开关亮起了装电池的灯笼。Ned and I discussed everything to the nth degree.内德和我彻底地讨论了每一件事情。Ned put his arm around her, trying to comfort her.内德搂着她,想安慰她。Ned's mouth tilted upwards slightly at the corners.内德的嘴角微微翘起。She found Ned alone in the photocopy room, duplicating some articles.她发现内德一个人在复印室里复印一些文章。Ned said he had to dash away.奈德说他必须马上离开。Since Ned was still asleep, she jacked in the earphone to cut off loudspeaker sound.因为纳德还在睡觉,她插上耳塞不让扬声器发出声音。Ned was growing lyrical in his praise for my new novel.内德对我新创作的小说大加赞美。




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