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词汇 damning
例句 How can they put such a damning construction on a perfectly innocent phrase?他们怎么能把一个毫无恶意的词语理解为谴责呢?New and damning evidence has been uncovered.发现了确凿的新证据。To suggest that people are only honest when it can benefit them, is a damning comment on the human character.说人只是在有利可图的时候才会诚实,这是人性可悲的写照。The scandal is damning evidence of the government's contempt for democracy.这宗丑闻是政府蔑视民主的铁证。The tape contained damning evidence.这盘磁带上有足以定罪的证据。A damning piece of evidence showed that he had been at the crime scene.一个确凿的证据证明他曾到过犯罪现场。The fact that these children cannot read is a damning indictment of our education system.这些孩子不会阅读是对我们教育制度的强烈控诉。He was most damning in his comments about the army.他最言之凿凿的地方在于其对军方的评论。The report, from a major policy research unit, was so damning it was never published.这份报告由一个重要政策研究机构编写,谴责语气极强,因此从未发表。He made some fairly damning remarks about the government's refusal to deal with the problem.他相当尖锐地谴责政府在这个问题上袖手旁观的立场。He proved himself to be a master of the art of damning with faint praise.事实证明他最会对别人明褒实贬。




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