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词汇 nasal
例句 We breathe through the nasal passage.我们透过鼻腔呼吸。Her voice was nasal and piercing.她的声音带有鼻音,而且刺耳。Punch was singing, as usual, in his high nasal tone.潘趣像往常一样用他那高鼻音唱着歌。A nasal spray or drops would ease your symptoms, but don't overuse them or further congestion could result.鼻腔喷剂或滴剂能减轻症状,但请勿使用过频,否则鼻塞可能会加重。A rust or prune juice in nasal discharge colour indicates blood originating from lower respiratory tract.铁锈色或深紫红色鼻液表示血液来自下呼吸道。Now, with the sudden invasion of the nasal voice, the class was instantly silent.这时,随着那个带鼻音的声音突然响起,教室立即肃静下来。A nasal/nose spray should help you breathe better.喷一下鼻喷剂有助于呼吸通畅。Peppermint leaves are believed to relieve tiredness and nasal stuffiness.据信薄荷叶可以减轻疲劳和鼻塞。He started to speak in a nasal sing-song voice.他开始用一种带有鼻音、节奏单调的声音讲话。I immediately recognized the nasal twang of his voice.我立刻听出了他说话时的鼻音。If you use this nasal spray, your nose should clear.用了这种鼻腔喷剂,你的鼻塞就会好一点。He always has a nasal twang when he sings.他唱歌的时候总带着鼻音。She delivered the speech in a high-pitched nasal whine.她演讲时声音尖锐刺耳,鼻音很重。He spoke in a high nasal voice.他说话鼻音很重。He spoke with a nasal twang.他讲话时带著鼻音。The nasal spray was new on the market and highly efficacious.这种鼻腔喷雾剂是新上市的,非常有效。Don't overuse your nasal spray or drops, or further congestion could result.请勿过度使用鼻腔喷剂或滴剂,否则鼻塞可能会加重。Speech sounds such as English vowels, nasal or lateral consonants are called resonants.英语元音、鼻辅音或边辅音等语音被称作共鸣音。The medicine makes breathing easier by opening nasal passages.这种药物使鼻腔通畅,从而使呼吸更容易。His speech became increasingly thick and nasal.他说话的声音变得越来越粗,鼻音越来越重。His voice is very nasal.他说话鼻音很重。The disease causes the nasal passages and skin to puff up.这种疾病会导致鼻腔和皮肤肿胀。His accent was nasal and New Yorky.他说话鼻音重,带纽约腔。She talked in a deep nasal monotone.她说话鼻音很重,语调单一。Her voice is harsh and nasal.她的嗓音很难听,还带有鼻音。Her voice was nasal and penetrating.她的声音带有鼻音,有穿透力。Their intonation is too nasal.他们发出的声调鼻音太重。




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