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词汇 花招
例句 His maneuvers in the market had his competitors buffaloed.他在市场上所耍的花招把他的竞争对手都搞糊涂了。Commissions and inquiries are little more than a device to allow politicians to put off taking decisions.成立委员会进行调查只不过是让政客推迟作出决定的花招There's been a bit of hocus-pocus going on here.这里耍了点花招Don't try to pull anything.别想耍什么花招We'll have the last laugh if she finds out that you're the one who played the trick.如果她发现是你耍的花招,我们就是最后的赢家了。It's not a real education policy, it's just a gimmick to win votes.这不是什么真正的教育政策,只不过是赢选票的花招罢了。Clever advertisements are temptations to spend money.巧妙的广告是诱人花钱的花招He pulled a really mean trick on his sister.他对妹妹耍了个非常卑鄙的花招It's just a public-relations gimmick.这不过是一个公关花招The government has been offering tax credits, accelerated depreciation, and other economic hanky-panky.政府一直都在玩弄税额免除、加速货币贬值和其他经济上的花招She has pulled a stunt with her teacher.她向老师耍了花招He has pulled similar stunts with other journalists.他对其他记者也耍了同样的花招He didn't really lose his wallet – that's just a trick.他其实没有丢钱包 — 这只是一个花招而已。Everyone saw the stunt you pulled on me.大家都看见了你对我耍的花招I'm not stupid enough to fall for that trick.我不会笨到中那个花招It's a maneuver to deflect the attention of the people from what is really happening.这是为将公众的注意力从真正发生的事情上转移开而耍的花招We have looked through the enemy's tricks.我们已识破了敌人的种种花招Multiple shutter-speeds are mostly a sales gimmick.多重快门速度大多数是销售花招The fox slipped one over on the hounds and got away.狐狸对猎狗耍了个花招逃脱了。The government has been offering tax credits, accelerated depreciation, and other economic hanky-panky.政府一直在搞税额抵免、加速折旧及其他一些经济上的花招He claimed he knew nothing about the political manoeuvrings which had got him into power.他声称对帮他上台的政治花招一无所知。With a little statistical sleight of hand they could make things look all right.只要在统计上耍些小小的花招,他们就能瞒天过海。The team used a little razzle-dazzle to score the winning touchdown.这支球队采用了一点花招,达阵得分获胜。The government is playing a very shrewd political game.该政府在玩弄很精明的政治花招He played an underhanded trick on me.他跟我耍了一个卑劣的花招Subterfuges didn't wash with Ella.这些花招无法使埃拉信服。What dodgery are you up to next?你下一步要耍什么花招?He got into the castle by a trick.他耍了个花招混进了城堡。He somehow finagled his way into the army as a lieutenant.他不知耍什么花招以中尉的身份混进了军队。Their proposal was only a device to confuse the opposition.他们的建议只是为迷惑反对派而使用的花招而已。You must fess up to having put something over on me.你必须老实承认对我耍了些什么花招The trick boomeranged, though.然而这个花招竟害了自己。Investigative journalists exposed the company's financial sleight of hand.调查记者曝光了那家公司的财务花招This was only a ploy for the footballer to manoeuvre an early exit from the Midlands.这不过是该名足球运动员为早日离开中部地区而耍的花招What do you hope to gain by pulling a stunt like that?你耍那花招是想要得到什么?He keeps his money overseas as a tax dodge.为了逃税他想了个花招,把钱存在海外。She could not stand his trickeries.她不能容忍他耍的种种花招We believed he was trying to help us, but the whole thing was a humbug.我们以为他是在设法帮助我们,不料那全是花招Pretending he doesn't remember is an old trick of his.假装不记得是他的老花招了。In their attempts to be original they have pretty well exhausted their bag of tricks.他们企图标新立异,但已使尽花招




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