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词汇 花时间
例句 She took time to help me locate research materials.花时间帮我找研究材料。She likes to spend time beautifying her home.她喜欢花时间美化家居。We try to spend the minimum amount of time on the garden.我们想尽量少花时间在花园上。It takes time to process each application.处理每份申请都需要花时间Parents need to spend time just playing with their children.父母应该花时间和自己的孩子玩耍。Tom Banbury was preoccupied with the missing Shepherd child and did not want to devote time to the new murder.汤姆·班伯里一心寻找谢泼德家失踪的孩子,不想花时间处理这起新的谋杀案。Repairs can be time-consuming and expensive.修理工作可能很花时间,费用也很高。He goes to the forest to spend time in contemplation of nature.他去森林中花时间仔细观察大自然。You need to take time to plan your future.你需要花时间规划一下你的未来。She spent time talking and laughing with the children.花时间和孩子们在一起说说笑笑。The journalists would be much better employed in trying to explain to us how the astronomical legal costs of the cases can be justified.记者们最好花时间向我们说明为什么诉讼费高得惊人。She grudged every hour she spent helping him.她很不情愿花时间帮他。At the end of a workout spend time cooling down with some slow stretches.训练结束后花时间做些缓慢的伸展运动来降降温。Neil and Chris try to spend the minimum amount of time on the garden.尼尔与克里斯想尽可能少花时间打理花园。My beef is that it took too much time.我的抱怨是太花时间了。We shouldn't spend time on such trivialities.我们不应该在这样的琐事上花时间Teachers must be prepared to spend time getting to grips with new technology.教师们必须准备花时间去了解新的技术。A lot of people don't take the time to read contracts. For one thing, they're often in very tiny print.许多人没有花时间读合同。原因之一是这些合同字常常印得很小。It takes time to find a suitable berth.找到合适的职位需要花时间When it comes to training, Marion's always been generous with her time.在培训方面,玛丽昂一向很舍得花时间The organization of a large-scale garden party takes time and thought.组织一次大规模的花园招待会既花时间又要费心劳神。He took time to straighten out the papers on his desk.花时间整理了桌上的文件。She did not bother to keep up with the news.她不愿花时间去了解最新消息。Cliff didn't want to bother himself with details.克利夫不想在细节上花时间Patience, my dear. Some things take time.耐心点,亲爱的,有些事情是要花时间的。You can usefully spend time thinking about this.你可以花时间考虑一下这个问题,会有益处的。Unfortunately, Dr Cole cannot spend as long with each patient as she would like.令人遗憾的是,科尔医生不能按照她自己的意愿在每个病人身上都多花时间It's a sad state of affairs when a leader can't take the time to address the true problems facing his country.一个领导人不能花时间处理国家所面临的真正问题,这是一个可悲的情况。It takes time to readjust after a loved one dies.亲人去世后,需要花时间重新调整。Horizontal lines indicate the time spent executing the program.水平线表示执行程序所花时间Thank you for your time. 谢谢你花时间倾听。Elderly people need time and compassion from their physicians.老年人需要医生多花时间,多关爱。He took time to weigh his options.花时间权衡自己的选择。He only bothers to read the directions if/when all else fails. 只有所有尝试均告失败时,他才会花时间去读使用说明。You can see many wonderful things in nature if you take the time to stop and look.如果你肯花时间停下来认真观察,就能在大自然中看到很多奇妙的事物。Few people expend time and effort to monitor and assess the value of their promotional efforts.很少有人会花时间和精力去监督和评估他们在促销上下的功夫发挥了多少价值。




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