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词汇 节假日
例句 Holidays often serve to strengthen bonds between family members.节假日往往能增强家庭成员之间的联系。Bargain hunters will do their homework before choosing a holiday.买便宜货的人会提前做好功课,选择合适的节假日出手。The stores are always crowded around the holiday season.节假日商店总是很挤。I don't like the busyness of stores around the holidays.我不喜欢节假日期间商店里那种乱乎劲儿。The mall was overrun with holiday shoppers.购物中心挤满了节假日的购物者。Most hotels are fully booked over the holiday weekend.大部分的旅馆在节假日周末都订满了。The judge decided to recess the trial for the holidays.法官决定在节假日里休庭。The trial recessed for the holidays.审讯因节假日而暂时中止。Hotel rooms are difficult to find at the peak of the holiday season.节假日高峰期宾馆一房难求。Holidays are a time to enjoy the society of your family.节假日是享受天伦之乐的时刻。Business is quiet during the holidays.节假日期间生意很清淡。He worked as a waiter in the holidays.他在节假日里做侍者。




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