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词汇 murder
例句 Today's newspaper gives all the ghastly details of the murder.今天的报纸刊登了谋杀案的全部细节,令人毛骨悚然。He had exacted vengeance for his brother's murder.他已为兄弟的被害报了仇。The thriller opens with a murder.这部惊险小说以谋杀案开始。She was accused/convicted of murder.她被指控/被判犯有谋杀罪。He's so charming that he really does get away with murder.他很讨人喜欢,所以做了错事也不会挨训。A team of detectives is scouring the area for the murder weapon.一队警探正在该地区搜查杀人的凶器。Both men had originally been suspected of Brown's murder.最初,两个人都被怀疑与布朗的凶杀案有关。She appealed unsuccessfully against her conviction for murder.她不服被判谋杀罪提出上诉,但失败了。He's wanted for murder.他因为谋杀而被通缉。He was convicted of the murder, but he is still trying to persuade the public that he's innocent.他被判犯有谋杀罪,但他仍试图说服公众他是无辜的。Police are trying to piece together his movements before the murder.警方想把凶案发生前他的行踪拼凑起来。The two women were wrongly accused of murder.这两位妇女被错误地指控犯有谋杀罪。He is wanted as an accessory to murder.他作为谋杀罪的从犯而被通缉。Officers combed the woods for the murder weapon.警察在树林里仔细搜寻凶器。He wanted revenge for his father's murder.他要为遇害的父亲复仇。That test was murder. 那个测试难得要命。The detectives hashed out their theories about who committed the murder.侦探们谈起了他们各自对谁是凶手的推测。She lets those kids get away with murder.她听任那些孩子为所欲为。The circumstances suggest murder.事实表明可能是谋杀。The police suspect him of murder.警方怀疑他犯谋杀罪。The spear is presumably the murder weapon.这支鱼叉可能就是凶器。His murder was a vendetta killing.他的被害是一起仇杀。I could murder a cup of tea!我真想喝杯茶!The police spent three months barking up the wrong tree on the murder investigation.警方调查这起凶杀案找错方向,枉费了三个月的精力。From time to time, the death penalty was exacted for murder.犯谋杀罪者有时被执行死刑。He denies murder on the grounds of provocation.他否认盛怒之下杀人。Healey agreed to defend two young men, who were being framed in a local murder case.希利同意为两名青年男子辩护,他们被诬陷卷入当地的一宗谋杀案。The police said that there was no sign of a struggle by the murder victim.警方说谋杀案的被害人没有挣扎过的迹象。She was convicted of murder and sentenced/condemned to death. 她被裁定犯有谋杀罪,被判处死刑。I had no hesitation in calling the police because I realized he was capable of murder.我毫不犹豫地叫了警察,因为我明白他做得出杀人的事情。The murder was obviously well planned, as the inspector had pointed out.正如督察指出的那样,这桩凶案显然是经过周密策划的。A month after the murder, a man was arrested by police and put on trial.凶案发生一个月后,一名男子遭警方逮捕并被送上法庭受审。The crowd screamed abuse as the two men accused of the murder left the court in police vans.群众对乘警车离开法庭的两名被指控谋杀的男子高声大骂。David's murder remains unsolved.戴维被杀的案子仍未侦破。The penalty for murder is death.对谋杀罪的处罚是死刑。An American judge yesterday dismissed murder charges against Dr Jack Kevorkian.昨天一个美国法官驳回了对杰克·凯沃尔基安医生的谋杀指控。Police hope that a member of the public will be able to identify a man seen acting suspiciously a few hours before the murder took place.警方希望公众中有人能够指认出谋杀案发生前几小时被人看到行动可疑的一名男子。Five people are to stand trial for murder.五个人将因涉嫌谋杀出庭受审。Fisher was behind bars last night, charged with attempted murder.费希尔被控谋杀未遂,昨晚入狱。The police do not suspect murder in this case.警方认为在这起案件中不涉嫌谋杀。




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