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词汇 flickered
例句 A welcoming fire flickered in the grate.壁炉里的火忽隐忽现,令人感到惬意。The flame of resistance never entirely flickered out in the enemy-occupied areas.在敌占区,反抗的火焰从不曾完全被扑灭。The candle flickered briefly, then burned with a steady flame.烛火微微摇曳不定,接着便稳定地燃烧起来。A little smile flickered around the corners of his mouth.他的嘴角掠过一丝微笑。The wind flickered the light of the oil lamp.风吹得油灯光摇闪不定。His gaze flickered over the room.他扫了一眼整个房间。The candle flame flickered and went out.烛火闪烁着,然后熄灭了。Her glance flickered briefly across to the group standing at the other side of the street.她迅速扫了一眼站在街对面的那伙人。The hope still flickered within her that her husband might be alive.她内心仍抱着一线希望,但愿丈夫还活着。A pathetic fire flickered in the hearth.壁炉里微弱的火光在闪烁。A light flickered faintly in the distance.一丝亮光在远处若隐若现。Interest flickered, then grew into rampant enthusiasm.兴趣一闪而过,随后变成难以控制的狂热。Fluorescent lights flickered, and then the room was brilliantly, blindingly bright.荧光灯闪了几下,接着屋子里豁然大亮,刺得人睁不开眼。A faint smile flickered across her face.一丝淡淡的笑意在她脸上掠过。The candle flared, then flickered and went out.蜡烛突然烧旺了一下,接着闪了闪便熄灭了。His gaze flickered for an instant.他的目光闪了一下。A smile flickered across Vincent's grey features.文森特苍白的面孔上掠过一丝微笑。A television flickered in the corner.电视机在角落里时明时暗地变换着画面。The spark of life still flickered in him.他的生命之火还在闪烁。The flame flickered as the breeze picked up.火焰随着微风的增强而闪烁。His dark eyes flickered over her face.他深色的眼睛在她的脸上瞟过。Something like alarm flickered over his face.他脸上闪过类似惊慌的神色。The light flickered.灯光闪烁。His eyelids flickered slightly.他的眼睑轻微地颤动了一下。The candle flickered a few times and then went out.烛光闪烁了几下就熄灭了。The wind flickered the light of the candle.风吹烛光闪烁不定。The draught from the window flickered the candle flame.窗口进来的风把烛光吹动得摇曳不定。The candle flame flickered and then went out.烛光闪烁不定,后来就熄灭了。The lights flickered; I wondered if we were about to lose our power.灯一闪一闪的,我就想,我们是不是要没电了呢。Her eyes flickered nervously in anticipation.她紧张而期待地眨着眼睛。The house lights dimmed, flickered and went out.观众席的灯光暗了下来,闪了几下,然后就熄灭了。Dirk's eyes flickered towards the pistol.德克的眼睛瞟向那把手枪。His eyes flickered towards the bedroom.他向卧室瞥了一眼。A few moments later Mrs Tenney's eyelids flickered open.过了一会儿,坦尼夫人的眼睛眨了几下睁开了。The screen flickered, and then everything went dark.屏幕闪了几下,然后就黑屏了。The overhead lights flickered momentarily.头顶灯闪了一会儿。A smile flickered across her face.一丝笑意在她脸上掠过。The torch flickered and went out.火把闪了几下熄灭了。The candle flickered in the wind.烛光在风中闪烁不定。Thoughts flickered through his mind.各种想法在他脑海中闪过。




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