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词汇 flicker
例句 A flicker of movement caught her eye.什么东西一晃引起了她的注意。A flicker of light caught Ruby's attention.一丝闪光引起了鲁比的注意。A flicker of annoyance crossed his face.他的脸上掠过一丝恼怒的神情。I seemed to glimpse a flicker of movement in the undergrowth.我好像瞥见矮树丛里有东西在颤动。His writing doesn't show the faintest flicker of imagination or originality.他的写作未表现出丝毫的想象力或原创性。She caught the faintest flicker of amusement on his face.她捕捉到他脸上一闪而过的笑意。It was only when I mentioned the money that she registered a flicker of interest.在我提到钱的时候,她脸上才闪现出一丝兴趣。The last flicker of hope seemed to have been extinguished.最后一线希望好像也破灭了。Inside the shrine candles flicker next to statues of saints.圣殿内烛光摇曳,旁边是一尊尊圣像。Stock markets showed barely a flicker of interest in the election result.股市对选举结果几乎没什么回应。A flicker of guilt crossed his face.他脸上闪过一丝愧意。She felt a brief flicker of jealousy.一瞬间她感到一丝妒意。The flicker of a candle flame caught our eyes.蜡烛闪烁的火焰吸引了我们的目光。Looking through the cabin window I saw the flicker of flames.透过木屋的窗户我看到了闪烁的火光。Every time a new flicker of resistance appeared, the government snuffed it out.一旦有抵抗的苗头出现时,政府总是迅速地加以消灭。She saw a flicker of doubt in his eyes.她看到他的眼里闪过一丝怀疑。She looked at me without a flicker of recognition in her eyes.她看着我,眼中没有闪过一丝相识的神情。She put the letter on the desk in front of me, her face deadpan, not a flicker of a smile.她将那封信放在了我面前的桌上,面无表情,没有一丝笑容。I could see a flicker of light about three or four storeys above us.我可以看到楼上三四层的地方有道亮光一闪而过。She spoke without a flicker of fear.她说话毫无畏惧。He saw a flicker of light in the darkness.他在黑暗中看到一丝光亮。A flicker of a smile showed at the corners of her mouth.她的嘴角露出一丝微笑。He looked at me, a flicker of amusement in his cold eyes.他看着我,冷酷的眼神里闪过一丝嘲笑。Did her eyes flicker open for an instant?她的眼睛有没有眨开过一会儿?She felt a flame of anger flicker and grow.她感到心中升起一团怒火。I noticed a flicker of a smile on her face.我注意到她脸上流露出一丝微笑。A blue flicker issued from the gas cooker.煤气炉窜出蓝色的火苗。 I felt a cold draft and the candle started to flicker.我感到一阵冷风袭来,烛光开始摇曳起来。The witness stared at the accused but she showed not a flicker of recognition.证人盯着被告,但她完全认不出来。They both saw the flicker of annoyance on the prince's face.他俩都看见王子脸上闪过厌烦的神色。The brief flicker of a candle flame caught our eyes.我们看到烛火闪了一下。Her only reaction was a slight flicker of her eyes.她唯一的反应就是眼皮微微颤动了一下。The civil servant's expression, however, did not change, not so much as by a flicker.然而,那位公务员的表情还是那样,丝毫没变。He felt a flicker of regret.他感到一丝遗憾。There was a faint flicker of a smile on her face.她的脸上露出一丝淡淡的笑意。




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