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词汇 mucked
例句 Well that's completely mucked up my evening.唔,那把我晚上的计划全都打乱了。I mucked in with Jim till I found a flat of my own.我和吉姆住在一起,直到自己找到一套公寓房子。The hoarse tenor singer mucked up the recital.沙哑的男高音把音乐会搞砸了。I've mucked up my driving test twice.我两次驾驶考试都考得一塌糊涂。He fell down and came home with his clothes all mucked up.他跌了一跤,一身脏衣服回家。I really mucked up my driving test first time.第一次驾照考试我考得一塌糊涂。My son mucked up the car engine by using cheap, low grade gasoline.我的儿子使用便宜的低级汽油,汽车引擎损坏了。The director mucked up the film by changing the ending.导演改变了故事的结局,结果把这部电影弄得一团糟。The change in the weather has mucked up our sports timetable.天气的变化打乱了我们运动比赛的日程。He's tired of being mucked about. 他厌烦了被戏弄。The company all mucked in, taking small or big parts.全团都参加了,或演小角色,或担当重要角色。I've taken my driving test twice, and both times I've mucked it up.我参加过两次驾驶考试,两次成绩都很糟。He mucked up the speech. = He mucked the speech up.他把这次演讲搞砸了。I mucked up my shirt when I was working in the garden.我在花园里干活时把衬衫弄得一团糟。I've mucked out the henhouses.鸡舍我已打扫过了。They just mucked about all afternoon and went home early.他们胡闹了一个下午,然后早早回了家。You've mucked up my plans for the evening.你打乱了我今晚的计划。She mucked in with the chores and did her own washing and ironing.她也一起做些家务杂事,并自己洗熨衣服。I mucked up my first attempt and had to try again.我的第一次尝试不成功,必须重新再来。We just mucked about all afternoon.我们整个下午都在到处闲逛。The bad weather mucked up our plans for a picnic.坏天气打乱了我们的野餐计划。After each blast they mucked out the rock.每次爆炸后,他们都把废石清除掉。We all mucked in and soon finished the job.我们大家一起干,很快就完成了工作。We just mucked around at home all weekend.整个周末我们都在家里闲呆着。




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