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词汇 much of a
例句 The child was too much of a nuisance.这孩子实在太惹人厌了。How much of a bit will the thief get?这窃贼会判几年徒刑?Is unlimited phone access too much of a good thing?电话通讯太方便是不是一件让人感到腻烦的事呢?I have come to be very much of a cynic in these matters.在这些事上我变得相当愤世嫉俗。She is too much of a prig for my liking.她太一本正经,我不喜欢。Getting six boxes of chocolates for my birthday was really too much of a good thing.我在生日那天收到六盒巧克力,实在太多了。That child is too much of a pest!那小孩真叫人讨厌!Her new boyfriend's not much of a catch really, is he?她的新男朋友和她不太般配,是吧?He'd never act on his own – he's too much of a coward for that.他从来没有独立行动过,就那点来说他过于怯懦。The workers didn't put up much of a fight when the company decided to close the factory down.公司决定要关闭工厂,工人们也并没怎么进行反对。Because journalists don't think the congressman constitutes much of a threat, they don't write or broadcast stories about him.新闻记者认为那位国会议员不会构成什么威胁,所以就不在报上或电台电视节目中报道他的消息了。This new theory is very much of a piece with their earlier work.这个新理论和他们早先的研究成果非常一致。I don't think they have much of a future.我认为他们并没有多大前途。 I'm not much of a musician, I just like to diddle around.我不是什么音乐家,只是瞎摆弄乐器而已。These boxes are much of a size.这些盒子大小差不多。There is too much of a competitive element in the sales department.销售部竞争太大。I'm not much of a musician. I just like to diddle around.我还不是个音乐家,我只不过喜欢玩弄乐器。We haven't had much of a summer this year.今年夏天一直不是很热。This sofa doesn't make much of a bed.这张沙发不大能当床睡。Potential problems of celebrity status are not much of a determent to those seeking limelight.成名带来的潜在问题不会使那些寻求名人地位的人却步。I hope George wasn't too much of a bother.我希望乔治不是太令人讨厌。He doesn't have much of a sense of humor.他没有多少幽默感。I tried learning the piano, but I never had much of a feel for it.我尝试过学钢琴,但是从来就没怎么入门。He's not much of a cook. 他不太会做饭。It wasn't much of a speech - just a laundry list of accusations against the government.这不算是演讲,只是在将一连串对政府的控诉罗列起来。He worked at several jobs, but he didn't make much of a mark in any of them.他做过好几份工作,但每份工作都没给人留下深刻的印象。He's not much of a companion for me.他和我不大合得来。It wasn't really much of a storm.这其实算不上是暴风雨。I don't think you'll persuade David to come along to tonight's meeting - he's not much of a joiner.我认为你不可能说服大卫来参加今晚的会议——他可不是社团活跃分子。The crab left too much of a fishy aftertaste.这种蟹吃后留下浓烈的鱼腥味。I'm too much of a cynic to believe that he'll keep his promise.我怀疑这世间的一切,不相信他会遵守诺言。He was in too much of a hurry to stop and say hello.他太过匆忙而没来得及停下来打招呼。He was too much of a gentleman to ask them for any money.他太绅士气了,不好意思向他们要钱。He was too much of a maverick ever to hold high office.他太特立独行,永远不可能做高官。You're not much of a TV addict, as I remember.我记得你不是怎么太迷电视的。After the bomb threat, it was considered too much of a security risk to let the races go ahead.发生炸弹恐吓后,都认为比赛继续进行下去安全风险太大。Some shook their heads and thought this was too much of a good thing.有些人摇了摇头,认为这太过分了。American Christianity doesn't have much of a sense of humour.美国基督教没有什么幽默感。She's not much of a risk taker. 她是个不大爱冒险的人。He's not much of a reader. 他不怎么喜欢读书。




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