例句 |
The road forks to the north and south.这条路向南北两个方向岔开。The traffic was snarled up in both directions for two miles because of the accident.由于出了事故,两个方向的车都堵了有两英里。The road was blocked in both directions.路的两个方向都被堵住了。My brother and I live on opposite sides of the city.我哥哥和我住在城里两个方向相反的区。The road forked in two directions. He had obviously taken the wrong fork.道路分岔为两个方向,他显然是走错岔道了。The path forked off in two directions.小路分岔后通往两个方向。To be on the safe side they hunted feverishly in both directions.为了稳妥起见,他们在两个方向都奋力搜寻。 |