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词汇 movie
例句 She liked the movie, but I thought it was humdrum.她喜欢这部电影,但我觉得很无聊。I like a lowbrow action movie once in a while.偶尔我喜欢看些通俗的动作片。The movie was a real snore. 这部电影真是枯燥乏味。Though the movie was very boring, he sat it out to see how it ended.尽管电影很无聊,他还是为了看结尾熬到了最后。The movie gave her the warm fuzzies.这部电影使她很欢喜。A poignant moment in the movie is the untimely death of one of the characters.电影里悲情的一刻是其中一个人物的早夭。The movie contains something for both children and adults.这部电影既适合儿童又适合成人观看。It's a very powerful movie.这是一部感人的电影。Have you seen Spielberg's latest movie?你看过斯皮尔伯格最新的电影了吗?The studio plans to turn the book into a movie.电影制片厂计划把这本书拍成电影。His character provides a little comic relief in what is otherwise a very serious and dramatic movie.他的角色给原本一部非常严肃和激动人心的电影增添了一点喜剧元素作为调剂。The movie has become a summer phenomenon.看电影成了人们消夏的一种方式。The movie retold an ageless legend.这部电影重述了一个永恒的传说。The movie's opening scene is as powerful as any I've ever watched.这部电影的开场和我看过的其他电影一样,气势恢宏。We were late, so we missed the beginning of the movie.我们迟到了,所以错过了电影的开头部分。McLaren had been mulling over an idea to make a movie.麦克拉伦一直在考虑拍一部电影。The movie gave me nightmares.这部电影让我老做噩梦。Ill-mannered movie-goers talked and took cell phone calls during the picture.没有礼貌的人在看电影时又是说话又是接听手机。The movie was, not surprisingly, a huge commercial success for Jordan.这部电影不出所料,让乔丹在商业上取得了巨大的成功。After almost two decades of mulling it over in his mind, Sayles finally made his Texas movie.经过差不多二十年时间的构思,塞尔斯终于拍成了他的得克萨斯风格的电影。The movie lacks a coherent story.这部影片缺乏连贯的故事情节。After all the buildup , I expected the movie to be better than it actually was.所有这些宣传造势让我对这部电影颇为期待,而它实际上却没有那么好。The movie is a brilliant concoction of American and Italian Western conventions.这部影片巧妙地把美国和意大利的西部电影传统糅合在一起。The humor in the movie is quintessentially British.这部电影中的幽默是典型的英式幽默。The movie is three hours long. 这部电影的时长为三小时。With his new movie he reboots the classic Western.他新拍的电影重新启动了经典的西部片。The movie is a co-production, with input from Disney and the Children's Film Foundation.这部电影由迪斯尼和儿童电影基金会共同出资,联合出品。You can order movie tickets on the Internet with just a few clicks of your mouse.你只要点击几下鼠标,就可以在网上订电影票了。He's the kind of person who watches a movie and then dissects it for hours.他是那种看完电影还要仔细分析上好几个小时的人。The movie was a howling success.这部电影取得了极大的成功。The Deerhunter was a very depressing movie about Vietnam.《猎鹿人》是一部关于越南的非常令人沮丧的电影。The movie starts out slowly, but the pace picks up when the two main characters meet for the first time.这部电影开场比较拖沓,但两位主角初次相逢后,剧情节奏便加快了。The movie is a box office hit/success.这部电影票房大获成功。Don't let her put you off, it's a really good movie.别听她扫你的兴,这部电影非常好。It was the first movie to feature onscreen product placement for its own merchandise.这是第一部在银幕上为自己的产品做广告植入的电影。We pissed ourselves laughing during the movie.电影放映过程中我们捧腹大笑。It's a silly movie about adolescent high jinks.这是一部描述青少年嬉闹取乐的无聊电影。The movie star received tons of fan mail.那位影星收到了许许多多影迷的来信。Guess what, I just got my first part in a movie.你猜怎么着,我刚刚得到了自己的第一个电影角色。The movie features James Dean as a disaffected teenager.这部电影由詹姆斯‧迪安饰演一个心怀不满的少年。




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