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词汇 accessory
例句 The patient has been asymptomatic after ablation of the accessory pathway.实施副传导路径消融术之后病人一直未出现症状。This silk scarf is the perfect accessory for stylish summer evenings.这条丝巾是时尚夏夜的理想配饰。A radio is an accessory to a car.收音机是汽车的附件。She was charged as an accessory before/after the fact. 她被指控为事前/事后从犯。He is wanted as an accessory to murder.他作为谋杀罪的从犯而被通缉。A cigar-lighter is an accessory to a car.点烟器是汽车的一种附件。The company serves the national automotive aftermarket with a broad range of accessory and recreational-vehicle products.该公司为全国汽车零配件市场提供各种零配件和休闲旅游车产品。She was convicted of being an accessory after the fact to Buffy's murder.她被定罪为巴菲谋杀案的事后从犯。She was charged with being an accessory after the fact. 她被指控为事后从犯。Cokin has released two accessory lenses that make camera phones even more versatile.高坚公司推出了两款附加镜头,可以使拍照手机的功能更多。If you were lying to the police, then you have been an accessory after the fact for all these years.你若对警察撒了谎,那么你这些年来就一直在犯事后包庇罪。Forster established the essentiality of minerals as accessory food factors required for maintaining life.福斯特证实了矿物质作为辅助食物因子在维持生命方面的重要性。The woman was charged as an accessory in their daughter's rape.在他们女儿被强奸一案中,这个女人被控为从犯。She was charged with being an accessory to the embezzlement of funds.她被指控为这起挪用公款案的从犯。He was charged with being an accessory to the crime.他被控告为这项罪行的从犯。Her only hair accessory was a headband.她唯一的发饰就是一条束发带。




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