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词汇 accidentally
例句 I've never liked these glasses of Peter's. I might drop them one day - accidentally on purpose.我从来就不喜欢彼得的这副眼镜,或许什么时候我会假装无意把它给摔了。Someone accidentally set off the fire alarm.有人不小心碰响了火警报警器。I accidentally stepped on a twig, causing the birds to take flight.我无意中踩到了一根小树枝,把鸟群惊飞了。I accidentally burnt a hole in her sofa with my cigarette.我不小心用香烟把她的沙发烫了个洞。He accidentally deleted the file.他不小心删除了那份文件。His knee accidentally banged the door.他的膝盖不小心撞到了门。A policeman accidentally killed his two friends with a single bullet.一名警察无意中用一颗子弹打死了他的两个朋友。I accidentally cut myself while cooking.我做饭时不小心割伤了自己。I accidentally shut the door on her fingers.我关门时不小心夹到了她的手指。Oh, no. I think I've accidentally thrown the invitation away.噢,不好,我想我不小心把请柬扔掉了。When he accidentally stepped on its tail, the little dog yelped in pain.他不小心踩着了小狗的尾巴,它痛得急叫。She accidentally stepped in a puddle and got her shoes wet.她不小心踩进了个小水坑,把鞋子给弄湿了。He accidentally tipped over a candle, and the tablecloth caught fire.他不小心碰翻了蜡烛,桌布烧了起来。The little boy accidentally wet his pants.小男孩不小心尿湿了裤子。He accidentally pressed the wrong button.他不小心按错了按钮。Several important files were accidentally erased.几个重要文件被意外删除了。I accidentally smacked him in the face with a ruler.我不小心用尺打了他的脸。My knee accidentally knocked against the table.我膝盖不小心撞到了桌子。He accidentally shot himself in the foot.他意外打中了自己的脚。I must have accidentally transposed the numbers when I dialed his phone number.我一定是拨打他的电话号码时不小心拨错了键。The trouble with car alarms is that they often go off accidentally.汽车警报器的毛病是常常会意外地报警。The biggest excitement of the day was when Joe accidentally set off the fire alarm.那一天最令人感到刺激的事就是乔无意中触响了火警。He accidentally tipped the lamp over and broke it.他不小心把台灯打翻,摔坏了。He accidentally smacked his head against the shelf.他不小心砰地把头撞到了架子上。He fell and accidentally put his hand through a window.他摔倒了,手不小心砸穿了一扇窗户。They were fooling around and accidentally capsized the canoe.他们游来荡去,一不小心弄翻了独木舟。I accidentally knocked my knee against the table.我不小心把膝盖撞到了桌子。The lock prevents the gate from opening accidentally.这把锁能防止大门意外打开。She accidentally dribbled wine onto the rug.她不小心把酒滴到了地毯上。They accidentally knocked heads when they stood up.他们站起来的时候,两人的头无意撞了一下。He accidentally lopped off one of his fingers.他不小心砍掉了自己一根手指。The paper accidentally printed the victim's address, then compounded their error by printing her name the next day.报纸无意中刊出了受害者的地址,第二天又登出她的姓名,真是一错再错。She accidentally splashed ink on my sleeve.她不小心把墨水溅在我衣袖上。A careless camper accidentally started a fire in the woods.粗心的野营者意外地引起了一场林中大火。Later that day I was horsing around with Katie when she accidentally stuck her finger in my eye.那天晚些时候,我正和凯蒂一起胡闹时,她不小心用手指戳到了我的一只眼睛。Police believe the fire was started accidentally.警方认为大火是意外发生的。I accidentally stepped on the dog's foot and it yelped.我不小心踩到了狗的爪子,结果它尖叫起来。I accidentally passed gas during the meeting. It was so embarrassing!开会时我不小心放了个屁。这实在是太令人尴尬了!It was self-evident to her that anything so wonderful could not have evolved accidentally.在她看来很明显的是,任何美妙的事物都不可能是偶然产生的。He accidentally cut himself while shaving.他刮胡子时不小心伤到了自己。




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