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词汇 move towards
例句 The talks represented the first significant move towards / toward peace.会谈代表着向实现和平迈出了有实际意义的第一步。The women moved towards the building in a body.这群妇女一起朝着大楼走去。Mr Gould called for a move towards one man one vote.古尔德先生号召采取一人一票制。The party has moved towards the centre in recent years.近年来该党越来越靠近中间立场。She unequivocally rejects any moves towards conciliation.她断然拒绝和解。The educated middle class led the move towards democracy.受过教育的中产阶级领导着争取民主的潮流。There is a move towards greater equality for women in the workplace.在工作场所,妇女的地位正变得越来越平等。They have made the first move towards a détente.他们已经向缓和迈出了第一步。By the end of the trial, Nicolas moved towards acceptance of his fate.审判结束时,尼古拉斯慢慢接受了自己的命运。The nation had a chance to move towards a more democratic, and modern, state of affairs.该国有可能变得更加民主、更加现代化。The doctor made a move towards the door.医生朝门口走去。A move towards healthy eating could help eliminate heart disease.养成健康的饮食习惯有助于消除心脏病诱因。He moved towards her as though he was advancing on a dangerous animal.他向她靠近时就好像在逼近一头危险的野兽。She moved towards Andrew, seeking his arm for support.她移向安德鲁,想借他的胳膊撑一撑。They have made the first move towards a detente.他们已经迈出缓和两国关系的第一步。She made a move towards / toward the door.她朝门口走去。Neither side seems prepared to make the first move towards reaching a peace agreement.双方似乎都不愿为达成和平协议而率先迈出一步。Britain should move towards closer union with Europe.英国应与欧洲建立更紧密的联合。Planners hope to encourage the move towards increased use of public transport.规划者希望鼓励越来越多的人使用公共交通工具。He opposes the move towards independence.他反对将立场转向独立。He saw William detach himself from the group and move towards them.他看到威廉离开那群人,向他们走来。When the film was over, they broke and moved towards the exits.电影放完时,他们散开后分别往各太平门而去。Many media experts see such all-news channels as part of a general move towards niche marketing.很多传媒专家把这些纯新闻频道看作是朝着细分市场这一大势转变的组成部分。He moved towards her menacingly.他气势汹汹地朝她走去。They moved towards / toward the exits.他们朝出口走去。This reluctance to move towards a democratic state is typical of totalitarian regimes.不愿朝民主制国家迈进是极权主义政权的特性。




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