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词汇 board of directors
例句 The board of directors has given her power to negotiate the contract.董事会授权她就这份合同进行谈判。The people on the board of directors all have major-league business experience.董事会成员都有很强的商业经验。Decisions will be made under the superintendence of the board of directors.决定会在董事会的监督下做出。Tom hijacked Daniel's ideas and made up a plan and handed up to the board of directors.汤姆窃取了丹尼尔的想法并将其写成规划上交了董事会。Promotion would mean a seat on the board of directors.升职意味着在董事会中拥有一个席位。Your job is to attend the meeting and report back to the board of directors.你的工作是参加会议,然后向董事会作汇报。I have tendered a proposal to the board of directors.我已向董事会提出了一项建议。The board of directors of the firm has been reconstituted recently.公司的董事会最近进行了改组。His proposal has been laid before the board of directors.他的建议已经递交董事会了。Johnson thought he had the board of directors in the palm of his hand.约翰逊以为自己完全掌控了董事会。The museum's board of directors holds/controls the purse strings.这家博物馆的财权掌握在董事会手中。He was forced to resign after a vote of no confidence by the board of directors.董事会对他投了不信任票之后,他被迫辞职。She's on the board of directors for a large corporation.她是一家大公司董事会的成员。We must make more effort than all the boards of directors that have gone before.我们必须比以往历届董事会做出更大的努力。The board of directors was in Johnston's pocket.董事会在约翰斯顿的摆布之下。The board of directors have sounded him out about taking the CEO position.接任执行总裁一职之事,董事会已探过他的口风。She lined up executives, politicians and educators to serve on the board of directors.她邀请了高管、政坛人物和教育家加入董事会。She sits on the board of directors.她在董事会里任职。She sits on the bank's board of directors. = She's a board member at the bank.她是银行董事会成员。He served on the board of directors of a local bank.他是当地一家银行的董事会成员之一。It took courage for her to beard the board of directors.她要公然反对董事会还需要勇气。The board of directors is leaning in favour of supporting the merger.董事会倾向于支持合并。I put my plan/proposal before the board of directors for consideration.我把我的方案/建议提交给董事会考虑。Several criticisms have been levelled at the company's board of directors.几条批评意见直指该公司的董事会。Her election to the board of directors caused great surprise.她被选进董事会,令人大为吃惊。The company is not a democracy; decisions are made by a board of directors, not the workers.这不是一家实行民主管理的公司;所有的决策都由董事会制定而不是员工。The board of directors canvassed his design thoroughly.董事会彻底讨论了他的设计。You need, firstly, a strong independent board of directors and secondly, an experienced and dedicated staff.你首先需要一个强大的独立董事会,其次需要一批富有经验并且爱岗敬业的员工。The board of directors disapproved the sale.董事会不同意这一出售计划。Mason occupied two spaces on a tier of seats normally reserved for the board of directors and important visitors.梅森在其中一排座位上占了两个位子,那排座位通常是为董事会成员和贵宾预留的。The board of directors must surely have been in Johnstone's pocket.董事会肯定已被约翰斯通掌控了。The president of the board of directors convoked a conference to discuss the future of the company.董事长召开了一次董事会讨论公司的前途。We have reconstituted the board of directors.我们重组了董事会。The board of directors meets on Tuesday.董事会每周二开会。For the board of directors, the news of the crash came as a bombshell.对于董事会来说,股价暴跌的消息令人震惊。Your suggestion has been sent before the board of directors.你的提议已送交董事会审批了。They railroaded the plan through the board of directors.他们迫使董事会通过这项计划。She was recently named to the company's board of directors.她最近被提名为公司的董事会董事。The board of directors commissioned its own internal investigation.董事会决定自行展开内部调查。He referred the dispute to the board of directors.他将这件纠纷转给董事会处理。




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