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词汇 boards
例句 Phoebe boards here during the week and goes home at weekends.菲比平时在这里吃住,周末回家。He broke the boards with a karate chop.他用空手道一掌劈断了几层木板。His feet thumped loudly on the bare boards.他的脚走在光光的地板上咚咚地响。He crashed into the boards.他撞到了界墙上。An old man was sweeping the warped boards of the front porch.一位老人正在打扫前廊上弯曲的地板。He sawed the boards in half.他把木板锯成两段。There was a squeak when the boards rubbed together.木板相互摩擦发出吱吱声。Fissile wood is not good for making cutting boards.易裂的木头不易做砧板。Make sure that the ends of the boards are level with each other.要确保木板顶端齐平。Use separate chopping boards for raw meats, cooked meats, vegetables and salads.切生肉、熟肉、蔬菜和拌色拉的青菜时要使用不同的切菜板。This is my last chance to pass the boards.这是我最后一次通过执业考试的机会了。I measure up the boards and then Joe cuts them.我量木板然后由乔来切割。If any of the boards come loose, just hammer them back in place.如果哪块板子松了,用锤子锤回原位就行了。Put a nail where the boards cross.在这两块板交叉的地方钉一颗钉子。Sinks and draining boards can harbour germs.洗涤槽和沥水板可能藏有病菌。The two boards are joined at right angles to each other.这两块板子成直角相交。The two boards are unequal in length/size. = The two boards are of unequal length/size.这两块板的长度/大小不一。We butted two boards for a makeshift bed.我们把两块木板拼接起来临时作床用。We laid the boards so that the ends were butted against the wall.我们铺了木板,使木板的两端正好顶着墙。We propped up the beams with long boards.我们用长木板支撑住横梁。The boards are level.这些木板一样高。Clinch the boards together.用钉子把木板钉牢在一起。I screwed the boards together.我用螺丝把板子固定在一起。Most supervisory boards meet only twice a year.大多数监事会一年只开两次会议。There should be spaces between the boards of the deck to allow debris to fall through.平台的板条之间应该有空隙让垃圾尘土掉下去。We split the boards down the middle to use them for the back of the shelves.我们把木板从中间锯开,用作架子的背板。Did you pass the boards?你通过入学考试了吗?The water boards are about to be privatized.水务委员会将实行私有化。She has posted photographs on bulletin boards.她将照片贴在了布告栏上。Flamenco dancers do have stomping thunderously on the boards down to a fine art.弗拉明科舞者们当真把木板地上的轰鸣舞步变成了精美艺术。The boys made a shack out of the old boards in the backyard.男孩们在后院用旧木板盖起一间小木屋。He pegged the boards.他用钉子钉住木板。The regional exam boards try to ensure equal standards.各地区的考试委员会尽量保证考试标准统一。The central heating was coming on and the ancient wooden boards creaked.中央供暖系统开始工作,弄得那些老掉牙的木板嘎吱作响。If figured boards are required, they should be plain sawn.如需要特定形状的木板,就必须弦锯。All the flats were boarded up, but we managed to prise a few boards open.所有的公寓都用木条封了起来,我们想办法撬开了几块木条。They put down wooden boards, and laid new carpets on top.他们铺好木地板,再在上面铺上新地毯。The heat had warped the boards.热气已经让板子变形了。Try browsing around in the network bulletin boards.浏览一下网上的电子布告栏试试。She sits on the boards of several large companies.她是几家大公司的董事会成员。




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