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词汇 to join
例句 He was compelled to join the union as a condition of getting the job.作为获得该工作的先决条件,他被迫加入了工会。I hope that everyone will be able to join in the fun.我希望每个人都能够加入进来,玩得开心。We were wondering if you'd like to join us for dinner.不知您是否愿意与我们共进晚餐?I was reluctantly persuaded to join the committee.我勉强被说服加入了委员会。Charles said that we were to join him later.查尔斯吩咐我们过后和他会合。Do you want to join in or just sit and watch?你想加入进来,还是只想坐着看看?We hope that more women will decide to join the course.我们希望更多的女性会决定参加这一课程。They continue to militate for Britain to join the euro.他们继续努力促使英国加入欧元区。Gloria Reuben quit acting to join Tina Turner on stage as a backing singer and dancer.格洛丽亚·鲁本弃影登台,为蒂娜·特纳伴唱伴舞。She petitioned to join their club.她请求加入他们的俱乐部。I think we're going to go bopping tonight. Would you like to join us?我想我们今晚要去跳舞,你要一起去吗?Members will receive a discount in reward for getting friends or family to join.介绍朋友或家人入会,会员将得到打折优惠。It is possible that she decided not to join us.她有可能决定不加入我们。The train will stop at the next station to join two more carriages on.火车将在下一站停靠,增加两节车厢。Young enthusiasts drove across the border to join the freedom fighters who had appealed to the world for help.热血青年驾车通过边境,加入向全世界吁请帮助的自由斗士队伍。The pastor requested the women present to join him in prayer.牧师请在场的女士们与他一起祷告。We got them to join by appealing to their sense of duty and honor.我们通过激发他们的责任感和荣誉感使他们参与进来。We encourage all employees to join a union.我们鼓励所有员工加入工会。I motioned him to join us.我示意他加入到我们的队伍中来。Some workers refused to join the union.有些工人拒绝加入工会。He lacked the courage to join the army.他缺乏参军的勇气。Anyone refusing to join had no defence against dismissal by the employer on that ground.任何拒绝参与的人都无法保护自己不被雇主因此开除。The advertising campaign is trying to persuade people to join the armed forces这次广告宣传力劝大家参军。The government decided to join a defensive alliance with several other nations.政府决定与其他几个国家结成防御联盟。So, you've decided to join the party, have you?那么,你已经决定参加聚会了,是吗?I've been invited to join the panel on a radio arts programme.我被邀请参加一个广播艺术节目的讨论小组。He's been authorised to co-opt anyone he wants to join him.他得到授权可以挑选自己想要的任何人加入他的团队。We're about to join our friends for dinner.我们马上与朋友们会合去吃晚饭。He wasn't allowed to join his playmates outside.他不被允许到户外与玩伴们一起玩耍。New voices are needed to join the chorus for the annual festival in October.十月的年度音乐节需要有新的歌唱演员加入歌舞队。I told him, in a roundabout way, that he wasn't really good enough to join my English class.我拐弯抹角地跟他说,他成绩实在不够好,不能上我的英语课。I'm going to join the ski club.我准备加入滑雪俱乐部。It was punk that first moved him to join a band seriously.最初是朋克摇滚乐促使他正式加入了乐队。The judges permitted him to join the defence of the accused man.法官准许他参加为被告辩护。Many varied motives prompt individuals to join a political party.促使人们加入一个政治党派的动机多种多样。He was never tempted to join the military.他从没想过要去参军。She is aching to join in the tournament.她渴望参加比赛。I'm going to Germany first, but we're planning to join up in Norway.我打算先到德国去,但我们计划在挪威会合。It's a fool's errand trying to get Lena to join in anything.想拉蕾娜参加什么活动根本就是徒劳。It's a very select club - I've been trying unsuccessfully to join it for years.这是个高级俱乐部——我多年来一直想加入都未成功。




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