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词汇 to judge
例句 He wants you to judge me guilty.他要你判我有罪。It's difficult to judge whether this is the right time to tell him.很难判断现在告诉他是否合适。You soon learn to judge distances when driving.你很快就会学到在开车时如何判断距离。It is difficult to judge a person by his exterior.依据外表难以评判一个人。It's hard to judge between two such nice houses.这对两座漂亮的房屋很难说哪座更好些。It is important to judge the weight of your washing load correctly.正确估计待洗衣物的重量很重要。You had no right to judge him so harshly.你无权那样严厉地批评他。You had little cause to judge him so harshly.你没有什么理由这样严厉地批评他。It is always flattering to be asked to judge a competition.能受邀担任比赛的裁判总是很荣幸的。I really don't know how to judge of a picture.我实在不知道如何评价一幅画。It's difficult to judge her age.很难猜出她的年龄。I am in no position to judge whether what she is doing is right or wrong.我没有资格评判她的行为是对还是错。Though the shoreline could be dimly seen, it was impossible to judge how far away it was.尽管可以朦胧地看到海岸线,但要判断距离有多远是不可能的。It will take time to judge the impact of these ideas.评价这些观念所造成的影响尚需时日。What right does she have to judge me?她有什么资格对我评头论足?I cannot pretend to judge between them.我可不敢在他们之间作出裁判。It will take a few more years to judge the impact of these ideas.要再花上几年的时间才能判断出这些想法的影响。It's up to you to judge these works of art.由你们负责对这些艺术品做出评价。I've been asked to judge the children's poetry competition.我受邀为儿童诗歌比赛当评委。It's not for me to judge whether he made the right decision.他的决定是否正确,轮不到我来评判。It's impossible at this stage to judge how the vote will come out.现阶段不可能判断投票结果会怎样。You should be able to judge between right and wrong.你应当能够判断是非。It takes experience to judge correctly how much power should be delegated.应该下放多少权力需要经验来准确判断。It can be difficult to judge distances/sizes accurately.难以准确判断距离/大小。Was it the right decision? It's not for us to judge.这个决定是否正确?这轮不到我们发表意见。Luckily, she had innate ability to judge people quickly and accurately.幸运的是她天生就能快速、准确地判断别人。The illustrator is going to judge the entries in the children's painting competition.那位插画家将评审儿童绘画比赛的参赛作品。It was hard to judge his build because of the heavy coat he had on.因为他穿着厚大衣,难以估摸他的身材。It's difficult not to judge people sometimes.有时很难做到不批评人。It is very difficult to judge distances in the desert.在沙漠里很难判断距离。He was trying to judge the strength of his opponent.他试图摸清对手的实力。She should do what seems right to her. It isn't for me to judge.她应该去做她认为正当的事,我无权评判。Who are you to judge me?你凭什么对我评头论足?It is wrong to judge everything from our own frame of reference.用我们自己的标准去判断一切是错误的。You may lose the ability to judge distance accurately.你可能会失去准确估计距离的能力。I am ready to judge any book on its merits.我愿意根据每本图书各自的优点来作出评价。It's important to judge each case on its merits.每种情况都要具体地斟酌。It would be presumptuous to judge what the outcome will be.现在就判断结果将会怎样未免有些冒昧。It is unwise to judge people by externals.以貌取人是不明智的。You have no right to judge other people because of what they look like or what they believe.你无权因他人的外貌或信仰而妄下评语。




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