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例句 I meant to call you, but somehow I never got around to it.我本想给你打电话,但不知为什么就没打成。He tried skiing and took to it immediately. 他尝试了滑雪,结果一下子就喜欢上了这项运动。I was exhausted every day when I first started teaching, but I'm used to it now.我刚开始教书时每天都觉得精疲力竭,但现在我已习惯了。If you are having trouble with one of the questions on the test, skip it and come back to it later.考试中如果遇到一道难题,先跳过去,随后再回来做。They were able to determine the cause of the accident by careful reconstruction of the events leading up to it.他们能够通过对导致事故的各种事件进行梳理,确定事故起因。I keep meaning to put a lock on it, but I never get round to it.我一直想加个锁,但总是拖着没做。The police parked an empty patrol car there to reduce speeding, but drivers got wise to it pretty quickly.警察将一辆无人的巡逻车停在那里来减少超速驾驶,但驾驶者很快就识破了这一招。Anything with strong gravity attracts other things to it.任何有较强重力的物体都会对其他物体产生引力。He wants to compete at international level, but honestly I don't think he's up to it.他想参加国际比赛,但说实话,我认为他还达不到那个水平。In Victorian times people were phobic about getting on trains as they weren't used to it.在维多利亚时代,人们由于不习惯而害怕坐火车。The constant repetition of violence has blunted the human response to it.反复出现的暴力事件使人们的反应都变得麻木了。Was he going to it again if the opportunity presented itself?如果有机会的话他打算再干吗? I'll see to it first thing in the morning.我明天一早就办。As soon as she quitted the room he returned to it.她刚离开房间,他回来了。This device has a gripper that electrically twists off the jar top. Nothing to it.这个装置有一个能拧开瓶盖的电动钳子,并不复杂。It doesn't frighten them. They're used to it.这可吓不倒他们。他们已经习惯了。He opposed himself to it with all his power.他竭力反对那件事。We shall have to hop to it if we're to catch the train.我们如果要赶上这班火车,就得抓紧时间。Every time we do something, there's a kickback to it.我们每次做什么事都会有人激烈反对。I think he's in Rome but I wouldn't swear to it.我认为他在罗马,但我不确定。He told a story that didn't have a modicum of truth to it.他说的事情全是胡编乱造的。Once the insured has sold his policy, he naturally loses all rights to it.一旦被保险人卖出保单,他就自然失去了上面所有的权利。The data exists all right - the difficulty is in gaining access to it.资料确实是有的——难就难在怎样去获得它。Do not ask him about his failure; do not even allude to it.关于他失败的事别去问他;连提都不要提。You'll get used to it after a while.过一会儿你就会习惯的。See to it that the work is done.注意把工作做好。This disease is surprisingly difficult to catch as most people have a natural resistance to it.由于多数人对这种病具有天然免疫力,所以发病率低得出奇。No government can condone disloyalty to it.任何政府都不会姑息对它的不忠。They took some exception to it.他们对它有些异议。When Charlie finally got down there to buy the car, he discovered that someone else had beaten him to it.查利最后赶去买那辆车时,却发现有人抢先一步把它买了。He began to keep a journal and was faithful to it for years. 他开始写日记,并坚持了多年。I didn't pay any attention to it because I never infect.我对它根本不注意,因为我从不受传染。One of the older boys must have put him up to it.肯定是一个年长些的男孩怂恿他去做的。Most governments know that we're heading for an environmental catastrophe but they shut their eyes to it.大多数政府明明知道我们将招致环境灾难,但他们对此却置若罔闻。We've made our decision and now we have to stick to it for better or worse.我们已经做出了决定,无论结果如何我们都要坚持到底。We are all prisoners of our childhood and feel an obligation to it.我们都无法忘却自己的童年,觉得仍然为它所缚。You'll get used to it by and by.不久你就会习惯的。The task isn't as difficult as it seems when you really get down to it.在你真正认真做这项工作时,它并不像看上去那样困难。Parish priests have referred to it in their sermons.堂区牧师在布道中提到了它。The car was ready to leave and he was told to hop to it.车要开走了,别人催他快点。




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