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例句 Cultural beliefs about the role of women converge with government policies.文化上对女性角色的看法与政府的政策趋于一致。The kidnappings undermined several months of delicate peace negotiations.这些绑架事件使几个月以来微妙的和平谈判渐渐趋于破裂。As the market was saturated with goods and the economy became more balanced, inflation went down.随着市场上商品饱和,经济趋于平衡,通货膨胀就减弱了。Expect the real estate market to downshift in the next few months. 预计在接下来的几个月内房地产市场的发展将趋于缓慢。The two countries have convergent views on regional and international issues.这两个国家在地区性和国际性事务上的观点趋于一致。There is a gradual movement towards tolerance and understanding.逐渐趋于宽容和理解。International tension should be reduced when this agreement is signed.此项协定签订之后,国际紧张局势应趋于缓和。There are signs that the economy is grinding to a halt.有迹象表明经济在趋于停滞。Each generation becomes ever more consistent in its thinking.一代又一代人在思维上不断趋于统一。Rafsanjani has been considering various ways of introducing some sanity into the currency market.拉夫桑贾尼一直考虑通过各种方式使货币市场趋于理性。Their debate eventuated in an agreement.他们的争论最终趋于意见一致。Purists bemoan the corruption of the language.主张语文纯正的人哀叹语言趋于不纯。She had been swept up in a relationship that had never had time to grow ordinary or stale.这段恋情尚未来得及趋于平淡,她已沉醉其中,再无心思顾及其他。There is still some feeling in the art world that the market for such works may be declining.艺术界一些人仍然认为,这类艺术品的市场可能趋于低迷。These new symptoms tend to confirm my original diagnosis.这些新的症状趋于证实我最初的诊断。Their romantic relationship petered out after the summer.他们的爱情在夏天后就趋于平淡了。Overall business activity is slipping.商业活动整体趋于萧条。Their views on marriage and divorce tend to be more liberal.他们对结婚和离婚的看法更趋于开明。The latest lifestyle trend is downshifting.最新的生活方式趋于放慢生活节奏。The interview reduced him to a nervous wreck.面试使他精神趋于崩溃。Any variations will be evened out eventually.所有变化最终将趋于均衡。Rivalry among business firms grew more intense.公司间的竞争趋于激烈。His only wish is to humanize the conflict.他唯一的愿望是使冲突趋于缓和。Initial public reaction has been muted.公众最初的反应已趋于缓和。There is a convergence between capitalist firms and co-operatives in terms of business strategy.资本主义公司和合作企业在经营战略方面趋于一致。The healthcare system is coming apart at the seams.医保体制正趋于解体。The road levels out as you get close to the village.走近村庄时道路趋于平坦。The line between fact and fiction is becoming blurred.事实与虚构之间的界限趋于模糊。The campaign has heated up in its final days.竞选活动在最后阶段已趋于白热化。Your own contemporaries tend to self-centredness.你自己的同代人都趋于以自我为中心。The bill would bring US employment law into closer alignment with global practice.这项法案将使美国就业法与全球惯例更趋于一致。




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