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词汇 趋势
例句 Britain's universities are on a collision course with the government.英国的大学与政府有发生冲突的趋势Can anything reverse the trend toward higher prices?有什么办法能抑制价格上涨的趋势呢?This return to realism has produced a revival of interest in a number of artists.这种重回现实主义的趋势已经重新激起了人们对许多艺术家的兴趣。She spoke about the latest hot trends in the computer industry.她谈了计算机行业的最新流行趋势Things have come full circle now that long skirts are back in fashion.流行趋势变来变去现在又变回原样,长裙又流行起来了。Trends towards the globalization of industry have dramatically affected food production in California.产业全球化的趋势极大地影响了加利福尼亚州的食品生产。The rise reversed the downward trend in the country's jobless rate.这次上升扭转了全国失业率的下行趋势Analysts fear the downturn will drag on into next year.分析人士担心这种下滑趋势会持续到明年。The raw statistics tell us nothing about the underlying trends.从原始统计数据完全看不出潜在趋势Our managers are very alert to new trends in the industry.我们的经理对于工业领域的新趋势非常敏感。The airline industry's troubles are a mere hiccup in an otherwise upward growth trend.航空业的困难只是个小问题,在其他方面它呈增长趋势The downward trend in home ownership is likely to continue.拥有房屋所有权者人数减少的趋势可能会持续。The muscles of the airways are liable to constriction.航空公司的势力范围有收缩的趋势This event will counteract such trends.此事会遏制这些趋势I can see a worrying trend in these results.我在这些结果中能看到一种令人担忧的趋势This trend is catching on with/among college students.这种趋势在大学生中流行开来。There is a trend for knocking public-school headmasters and headmistresses off their perches.现在有一种推翻公立学校校长权威性的趋势What we'll see in the future is, in fact, a continuation of that trend.事实上,将来我们看到的是那种趋势的延续。The trend is observable all over the country.国内到处都可看出这种趋势There are growing signs of more broadly-based popular unrest.越来越多的迹象表明,民众骚乱呈现扩大化趋势The trend is broadly distributed and not just a big-city phenomenon.趋势广泛扩散,并非是一个仅出现在大城市的现象。The latest figures show a clear growth trend in the service sector.最近的数字清楚地表明了服务部门的增长趋势Heedless destruction of the rainforests is contributing to global warming.对雨林的肆意破坏正在加重全球变暖的趋势The tendencies of the times are written in current events.时事蕴含着时代发展的趋势As far as starting a family is concerned, the trend is for women having their children later in life.在要孩子方面,目前的趋势是女性要孩子要得比较晚。The upward trend is consistent with that in most other parts of London.这个上升趋势与伦敦其他大部分地方的趋势一致。A tendency towards the undue dramatization of situations may emerge.可能会出现对局势过度夸张的趋势This is a growing trend.这是日益显著的趋势We need to start reversing our rising rate of population growth immediately.我们必须立刻开始扭转我们的人口增长率不断上升的趋势The downward trend went into reverse and the scores started to creep up again.比分下降的趋势发生逆转,分数又开始逐渐上升了。There is a growing tendency among young people to continue living with their parents after college. 在年轻人当中,大学毕业后仍与父母同住的趋势日益增长。Similar trends may be observed in most modern societies.在大多数现代社会里都可以看到类似的趋势The average citizen feels completely powerless faced with the rising tide of crime and violence.普通民众面对犯罪现象和暴力行为的增长趋势都感到无能为力。A few more statistics will suffice to show the trends of the time.再有一些数据就可以看出目前的趋势了。It is possible to extrapolate future developments from current trends.从当前的趋势来推断未来的发展是可能的。The current trend is towards informal clothing.目前的趋势是穿著比较随便。No one could prevent the inexorable slide into war.滑向战争的趋势无人能阻挡。There has been a movement toward lower prices in the housing market recently. 最近在房地产市场上,房价有下跌的趋势A survey of recent corporate layoffs reveals a new trend in business management.对最近公司裁员的一项调查揭示了企业管理的新趋势There is a trend towards healthier eating among all sectors of the population.目前各行各业的人都有一种追求健康饮食的趋势




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