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词汇 fuse
例句 Remove the circuit fuse before beginning electrical work.开始电工作业之前取下电路保险丝。His compositions fuse jazz and rhythm and blues elements.他的作品结合了爵士乐和节奏布鲁斯音乐的元素。Copper and tin fuse together to make bronze.铜和锡熔合成青铜。There was an overload on the electrical circuit and the fuse blew.电路超负荷,保险丝烧断了。The heat of the fire caused the silverware to fuse.火的热量使银器熔化。The boss blew a fuse when the shipment didn't arrive on time.货物没有按时送达,老板大发雷霆。Place the lighted punk to the fuse.把点燃的火捻放到导火线上。We fuse copper and tin to make bronze.我们把铜和锡熔制成青铜。I just changed the fuse in the plug and the lamp worked, job done.我刚换了插头的保险丝,灯就亮了,轻松搞定。Past and present fuse.古今相融。We intend to fuse the companies into a single organization.我们打算将各家公司合并成一个机构。The light went off because a fuse had blown.灯灭了,因为保险丝烧断了。It aims to fuse the body, mind and spirit into a naturally coherent whole.它旨在将身体、精神和灵魂融合为一个浑然天成的整体。What they have done is fuse two different types of entertainment, the circus and the rock concert.他们所做的就是把马戏表演和摇滚音乐会这两种不同类型的娱乐形式糅合了起来。The fire started in the fuse box downstairs.这场火是从楼下的保险丝盒燃起的。What blew the fuse?什么东西把保险丝烧断了?Mr Yanto, who had a very short fuse, told her to get out.脾气很暴躁的杨多先生叫她出去。The trouble was caused by a loose connection in the fuse box.问题是由保险丝盒里一处接触点松动而造成的。The fuse blew as he pressed the button to start the motor.他按下按钮启动马达的时候保险丝烧断了。A bomb was deactivated at the last moment, after the fuse had been lit.导火索在要点燃炸弹的最后一刻被拆除。Your fuse has blown because you have overloaded the circuit.你的保险丝烧断了,因为你让线路超过了负荷。The trouble with Roy is he's likely to blow a fuse and hit someone.罗伊的缺点是他可能会突然大发脾气去打人。A short circuit will blow the fuse.短路会烧断保险丝的。When the machine was switched on it blew a fuse.启动机器时保险丝烧断了。He touched the match to the fuse.他用火柴去点引信。Hopes for an early cut in German interest rates lit the market's fuse early on.对德国很快将会降低利率的期望使得市场提早启动了。For all my experience, I blew a fuse in the quarter-final and could have been sent off.尽管已经是老经验了,我还是在四分之一决赛的时候按捺不住发了脾气,差点就被罚出场。He blew a fuse when he heard that she had lost the money.听说她丢了钱,他大发雷霆。He helped the old party fuse with the new one.他促使旧党与新党合并。The fuse blew as he pressed the button.他一按开关,保险丝就断了。Keep a spare fuse handy by the fuse box.在保险丝盒旁边放一根备用保险丝。The fuse has blown because you have overloaded the circuit.你让电路过载,保险丝烧断了。Perry lit the fuse and retreated to a safe distance.佩里点燃导火线,退至安全距离。The fuse blew as he pressed the button.他刚一按下按钮,保险丝就烧断了。They say the judge has a very short fuse.他们说这个法官脾气很火爆。He lit the fuse and waited for the explosion.他点著导火线,等待爆炸。He blows a fuse every time you mention that woman's name.你每次提到那个女人的名字,他都大发雷霆。Lead will fuse at a lower temperature than some other metals.铅的熔点比其他一些金属低。The fuse blew as he pressed the button to start the motor.他按下按钮启动电动机时熔断器烧了。Ernest had a short fuse and a very nasty temper.厄内斯特脾气暴躁,动辄发怒。




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