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词汇 fuss
例句 She accepted the new assignment without making any fuss.她毫无怨言地接受了新任务。It seems wimpish to make a fuss.为小事大吵大闹看起来很无能。There was a fuss when the bus broke down again.巴士又出故障时大家都抱怨起来。You're just making a fuss about nothing.你简直就是庸人自扰。I don't want to make a fuss, but this soup is cold.我不想过分挑剔,不过这汤是凉的。There are two basic choices: make a fuss or do nothing.有两个最重要的选择:要么小题大作,要么什么都不做。She'll fuss the whole time we're gone.我们不在的时候,她会一直都很焦虑。All this fuss is because Carol is having a bad hair day.就因为卡萝尔今天不太顺心,所以弄得大家鸡飞狗跳。I'm sorry for making such a fuss.我这样大发脾气,真是不好意思。The job was done with the minimum of fuss.这项工作完成得有条不紊。He just gets down to work without any fuss.他刚刚静下心来开始工作。What's all the fuss about?干吗这么手忙脚乱的?Their ambitions are to bash out good grub with minimal fuss.他们的雄心是用最省事的办法快速生产出上好的食物。Don't fuss him while he's doing his homework.他在做家庭作业时不要烦扰他。What is all the fuss about?什么事儿大惊小怪的?She made a big fuss about not having a window seat on the plane.她因没有靠窗的飞机座位而小题大做。He was good-natured about it; he didn't fuss.他在这件事上很随和,没有计较。We'd love to come to dinner, but please don't make a fuss. 我们愿意来吃晚饭,但是千万不要太麻烦。I'm not one to make a fuss.我不是那种大惊小怪的人。I am surprised by the fuss she's making. It's not as if my personality has changed.她的大惊小怪令我很吃惊。显然不是我的个性改变了。I really don't know what all the fuss is about.我真不知道这么大惊小怪到底是怎么回事。Don't make such a fuss about that small cut on your finger.别为你手指上那个小伤口大惊小怪的。The rescue was carried out smoothly and with the minimum of fuss.救援行动进行得很顺利,没有引起什么慌乱。They want to keep us sweet so that we won't make a fuss.他们想讨好我们,让我们不再抱怨。The women were making a fuss over nothing.这些女人是在无谓地小题大做。I don't want anyone to fuss over me.我不希望任何人对我过分关注。Those customers who have kicked up a fuss have received refunds.那些大吵大闹的顾客得到了退款。I don't want to make a fuss over such a trifle.我不想为这种小事大惊小怪。She accepted the new assignment without any fuss. 她毫无怨言地接受了新任务。There wasn't a great fuss when I chucked her.我把她甩掉的时候,她没哭也没闹。I did not delight to make a fuss.我不喜欢大惊小怪。If we pack tonight, we can leave first thing in the morning - no muss, no fuss.如果我们今晚收拾行李,明天一早就可以动身,毫不费力。It works every time, no muss, no fuss.它每次都奏效,没有任何问题。The child had a fuss with his brother about who would get the prize.那孩子同兄弟争论谁会得奖。The couple sitting next to us made a big fuss about their bill.坐在我们旁边的那对夫妇为账单的事大吵大闹。My mother makes a fuss of me every time I come home.我每次回家,母亲总对我体贴备至。Lawson writes so well: in plain English, without fuss or affectation.劳森写得很好:英文通俗易懂,朴实无华又不矫揉造作。The meeting ended without too much fuss.会议还算顺利地结束了。We got everything done with a minimum of fuss.我们尽量有条不紊地做好了一切事情。I think it's all a lot of fuss over nothing.我认为这些都是没事找事。




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