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词汇 fuss about
例句 He accused me of making a great fuss about trivialities.他指责我为丁点琐事大惊小怪。There would be the father and mother of a public fuss about it.这件事会在公众中引起一场轩然大波。He kicked up a tremendous fuss about having to wait.他因需要等待而大吵大闹。Be quiet. You're all making a fuss about nothing.安静一下。什么事也没有,你却一直在大惊小怪。You're just making a fuss about nothing.你简直就是庸人自扰。It looks like a lot of fuss about nothing, but underneath there is a serious point.这看起来是小题大做,但实际上很有讲究。I'm not fussed about the colour, you choose.关于颜色我无所谓,你挑选吧。Carol fussed about getting me a drink.卡萝尔手忙脚乱地要给我弄一杯喝的。The couple sitting next to us made a big fuss about their bill.坐在我们旁边的那对夫妇为账单的事大吵大闹。She made a big fuss about not having a window seat on the plane.她因没有靠窗的飞机座位而小题大做。She must be nervous,she fusses about all the time.她想必很紧张,她一直忙碌得团团转。He's always making a fuss about nothing.他总是没事找事。Don't fuss about an ordinary cold.普通感冒,别大惊小怪。He felt it would be indelicate to make a fuss about it.他觉得为此小题大做不太得体。Don't make such a fuss about that small cut on your finger.别为你手指上那个小伤口大惊小怪的。We can eat at either restaurant: I'm not fussed. = I'm not fussed about which restaurant we eat at.随便哪个餐馆吃饭都行,我无所谓。Don't kick up such a fuss about this trivial matter.不要为此小事大吵大闹。I don't know why everybody makes such a fuss about a few mosquitoes.我不知道为什么大家对几只蚊子大惊小怪的。She fussed about,scarcely able to hide her impatience.她是在无谓纷扰,几乎不能掩盖其不耐烦。




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