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词汇 motivated
例句 He was motivated more by lust than love. 他更多的是出于色欲而不是爱情。These crimes are motivated by prejudice and hate.这些犯罪是因偏见和仇恨引起的。He was a ruthless businessman, motivated by naked ambition and greed.他是个无情的商人,受赤裸裸的野心和贪婪的驱使。He was unsympathetic with many house sellers, complaining that they were motivated by greed.他对很多卖房者表示反感,抱怨说他们是受贪念驱使。These youngsters are motivated not by a desire to achieve, but by fear of failure.激发这些年轻人的不是对成就的渴望,而是对失败的担心。Throughout his career he was motivated by a lust for power.在整个职业生涯中,他都受权力欲的驱使。The difference is that their players are well motivated.不同的是他们的运动员士气高涨。He is motivated by greed, pure and simple.他完全是被贪婪所驱使。Police are discounting the possibility that it was a racially motivated attack.警察认为这次袭击不大可能是出于种族主义目的。Police believe the attack was racially motivated.警方认为这次袭击事件是出于种族原因。The crime was not politically motivated.这个罪行不是出于政治动机。He was motivated by duty alone, and not by any hope of reward.他只是受责任心的驱使,并不希望得到任何报酬。No one knows what motivated him to act in such a violent way.没人知道什么促使他行为如此粗暴。He is highly motivated.他积极性很高。The decision to keep people in the dark was motivated by money.金钱成为对人们隐瞒此事的动机。Shame and honour were what motivated people.羞耻与光荣是人们行为的动机。Their buying decisions are of necessity motivated by practical considerations.他们决定购买必定是出自实际的考虑。The company screened out applicants motivated only by money.该公司剔除了那些一心向钱看的申请者。Most voters care more about jobs and therefore the Government can write off voters motivated by environmental issues.大多数选民更在乎工作,因此政府可以不必在意那些关注环境问题的选民。I know it sounds corny, but I'm really not motivated by money.我知道这听起来像是老生常谈,但我真的不是为了钱。The crime was not politically motivated.该犯罪行为没有政治动机。He is motivated by good intentions.他的动机是善意的。He was motivated by a desire to help his fellow man.他那样做是想帮助他人。I am fortunate to work in a school where all the children are extremely motivated.我很幸运能在这所学校任教,这里的学生学习都非常积极。His offer was motivated solely by self-interest.他的提议完全是出于私利。The coach tried to get his charges motivated.教练试图激励他的队员们。He bitterly denounced the indictment as politically motivated.他强烈谴责该项指控,认为其出于政治动机。He is genuinely motivated by a desire to help people.他完全是出于帮助人的愿望。The job requires a highly motivated self-starter.这个岗位需要一名积极性很高并能主动工作的人。I am working with mostly highly motivated people.和我共事的人大多积极性极高。The successful applicant for the position will be a well-motivated self-starter who has excellent communication skills.能获得这个职位的应聘者必须具有出色的沟通技巧,工作积极主动。The coach tried to get his charges motivated.教练试图激发队员的积极性。They were so determined to learn and they were so strongly motivated.他们深受激励,决心好好学习。They were motivated by a deep desire for money and fame.他们受追名逐利的欲望所驱使。Many in the Asian community feel that the police actions were motivated by racial bias.亚洲人社区中许多人认为警方的所为是出于种族偏见。Police suspect that the attack could be racially motivated.警方怀疑这次袭击事件可能是由种族问题引致的。Employees are motivated to work harder for a whole host of different reasons.激励员工更加努力工作的原因多种多样。People are motivated by leaders who actually walk the walk.领导踏准步调,下面的人就会受到激励。It was a crime motivated entirely by greed.这完全是一桩由贪念引发的犯罪。We may never know what motivated him to kill his wife.我们也许永远不会知道他谋杀妻子的动机是什么。




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