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例句 He started to get a little uncomfortable as the conversation continued.谈话继续进行,他开始有点儿不自在The children are shifting uncomfortably in their seats.孩子们在座位上不自在地挪来挪去。I always feel strange in a large group of people.在人多的场合我常常感到不自在He made me feel terribly uneasy.他让我感到极不自在I noticed that Elisa was suddenly uncomfortable and blushing.我注意到埃莉莎突然开始不自在起来,脸也红了。Sensing her uneasiness, Joseph reverted to their discussion about the weather.察觉到她的不自在,约瑟夫就重新谈起了天气。The way he looked at her made her distinctly uncomfortable.他那样看着她,使她明显感觉不自在Rhys shuffled his feet uncomfortably, trying to think of an excuse to leave.里斯不自在地挪动着双脚,很想找个理由离开。Many people are uneasy in the company of strangers.和陌生人一起时,许多人都感到不自在Sensing her discomfort, he apologized for mentioning her boyfriend.觉察到她的不自在,他为提到她的男友道歉。Mollie gave an uneasy little titter.莫莉不自在地轻声干笑了一下。This is an emotional issue, which most people aren't comfortable talking about.这是个敏感的话题,大多数人谈及都会感觉不自在I felt like a fish out of water at the party because I knew no one.在这个聚会上我感到浑身不自在,因为我一个人也不认识。Sometimes he is decidedly uncomfortable at what he sees on the screen.他有时会对屏幕上出现的画面明显感到不自在He felt strange being the boss of people who were as old as his parents.他当老板,手下都是和自己父母一样的人,他感到不自在I feel strange in the presence of strangers.在陌生人面前,我感到不自在You always look ill at ease in a suit.你穿套装看上去总有些不自在Maybe it's because they're so out of their element that they feel the need to talk.可能是因为他们感到非常不自在,所以觉得有必要说说话。It felt strange to be back in Dublin.重回都柏林我感到有点不自在On camera he appears twitchy and ill at ease.在摄像机前他显得很紧张,浑身不自在I feel uneasy in front of an audience.我在观众面前感到不自在Callum gave a slightly nervous laugh.卡勒姆稍微有点不自在地笑了笑。I was uncomfortable about talking to them.跟他们讲话,我感觉不自在Jim always felt uncomfortable on such formal occasions.吉姆在这么正式的场合总是感到不自在She had the queasy feeling that she was being watched.她觉得自己正被监视着,因此有点不自在Her discomfort amused him greatly.她的不自在使他觉得极其好笑。I felt diffident about entering the posh hotel with my tattered suitcase.提着破衣箱走进那家豪华宾馆,我战战兢兢地浑身不自在She shifted uncomfortably in her chair.她在椅子上不自在地动来动去。She's uncomfortable being in the spotlight.受到公众的关注,她感到不自在He was diffident about his own success.他对自己的成功感到不自在His mother lives in the next street to us, which is a little too close for comfort.他母亲住在与我们邻近的那条街上,离得有点太近,令人不自在I always feel ill at ease in a strange environment.我在陌生环境总觉不自在She felt increasingly uncomfortable under the woman's steady gaze.那个女人一直盯着她看,让她越来越不自在Philip blushed and laughed uneasily.菲力浦脸一红,不自在地笑了起来。One doesn't feel oneself after such an experience.人们在经历那样一件事情之后会感觉不自在Men are more inhibited about touching each other than women.比起女人,男人对相互间的身体接触感觉更不自在She just retired into herself and made everyone uncomfortable.她就这么独自在那儿发愣,弄得大家感到极不自在He felt somewhat awkward in his suit.他感觉穿着西服有点不自在She had the unnerving habit of continuously touching people she was speaking to.她说话时会不停地触碰对方,这习惯让人觉得不自在He never felt at ease with interviewers or photographers.他面对采访者或摄影师时总觉得不自在




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